Chapter 9

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. Last chapter I left off at the point where the reader is about to tell teams RWBY and JNPR about his past with Blake. I'm picking up right there. Now onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

We were all in team RWBY's dorm. I was about to tell them about the past I had with Blake. "I think it would be best if I started it from my side of the story." Blake told me. "Okay." I responded to her. "Okay it all started when I got news that me and my ex partner Adam were going on a mission in Mistral." She said to them.

*a little over a year ago and Blake's pov*

I got word from one of my friends in the White Fang that Adam wanted to see me. I walked into his tent. "You wanted to see me?" I asked him. "Yes. Pack a bag we're going to Mistral." He told me. "Mistral? Why are we going to Mistral?" I asked him. "We are to kill the grandson of a village leader." He told me. "Which village?" I asked. "Mirrakawii." He told me as he left the tent. I then headed back to my tent and packed my things. Shortly after we headed to Mistral.


We were in Mistral now and nearing the village. We then see two figures walking through the trees. We moved to better spot to get a good look at them. One was a male the other was a female. The male had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. He had on a (f/c) jacket a white t shirt and (sf/c) pants and black boots and gloves. He had a katana in a black sheath and a black hilt attached to his left side. The female had light blue green hair and light blue eyes. She was a wolf faunus. She had on a light green shirt with a light blue bandana tied around hers right arm just below hers shoulder. She had on blue jean pants and had on blue shoes. She had a katana in a white sheath with a white hilt attached to hers side. "What do we do about the girl?" I asked Adam. "Ours target is the human if she stands in ours way then she dies too." He said to me. I looked at him for a minute then nodded. We then got into a position to attack him.

*Yours pov*

Me and Lailah decided to go for a walk in the woods we were just walking through the woods holding hands and talking. Lailah had been my best friend since childhood and now she's my girlfriend but I sometimes still treat her like my best friend. I had my katana Black Fang on me and Lailah had hers katana White Lotus on her. We brought them in case we ran into any Grimm. Though me and Lailah could make quick work of any Grimm that tried attacking us. We just didn't expect that something besides Grimm were trailing us. Out of nowhere a man in a black coat with red hair, bull horns, and a katana in his hands attacks us from the trees. He slashes at me but I roll out of the way. Then a girl with black hair and amber eyes wearing a black and white shirt, white shorts, and black high heels with a bow on top of her head wielding a gun sword combination comes out of the trees and attacks Lailah. "What do you guys want?" Lailah asked them. "To kill the both of you." The man in the black jacket said. "Then bring it on! I'm not afraid of you!" I said to him pulling Black Fang from its sheath. Taking up a fighting stance and he did as well. We charged each other out swords clashing against each other's. Lailah was fighting the girl with amber eyes. Me and the bull faunus were trading blows problem is though he was really good and I took a few hits. We continued fighting as Lailah was fighting with the girl. They were trading blows with one another and they seemed to be of equal skill. Then the bull faunus took a weird stance I had no clue what was going on but I charged him any way. He smirked and that's when I realized he was about to use his semblance. I suck under it but it catches Black Fang and breaks the blade. I roll and was laying on my back with my eyes closed. I opened them to see the bull faunus standing over me ready to kill me. "This is where you die human!" He said to me as he prepares to kill me. I closed my eyes again preparing for the attack that would kill me but it never came though I did hear a sword piercing flesh but I felt no pain but a warm liquid substance on my face. I opened my eyes again to see Lailah standing in front of me with a red blade katana through hers stomach. "LAILAH!" I yelled as he pulled his sword out of her she started falling backwards but I caught her. "If she was willing to sacrifice herself for a worthless human then she deserved to die!" He said to me I grabbed Lailah and tried using my semblance I had just discovered it so I'm still getting used to it. I managed to get some ways away but I'm sure they'd find us. "I wish I was better with my semblance then I could get you out of here!" I said to her as tears started falling down my face. "Hey don't worry. If I had to die protecting someone I love then it's worth the sacrifice." She managed to get out as she put a hand on my cheek. "Don't talk like that your going to be fine." I tell her. "We both know I'm not going to be. So I want you to promise me a few things. Okay?" She said to me. "Okay." I said to her nodding my head. "First off don't seek revenge for my death (y/n). You have a kind heart and it shouldn't be corrupted by those thoughts." She said to me. "Second promise me you'll find another girl and treat her right." She finished. I looked her in the eyes. "I promise." I told her as more tears ran down my face. She smiled and pulled me into one final kiss. I returned it until I felt hers hand on my cheek go limp. That's when I realized she had died. "Don't worry human you'll soon be joining her!" I heard a voice from behind me say. I knew it was him. I untied the bandana from around hers arm and put it on my right arm. I then got up grabbing White Lotus as I did. "My goal in life and Lailah's were always different. I just wanted to fight and beat the best swordsman I could find while Lailah wanted to protect those that couldn't protect themselves." I said as I got up. "But that ends today. I promise Lailah that I'll continue fighting yours dream of protectingthe weak." I said looking at hers body. I then turnedaround to face the bull faunus. "I may have promised Lailah that I wouldn't seek revenge and I keep my promises to her but you prey on the weak and that is something I will not stand by and watch." I say to him as I took a fighting stance. We then attacked each other again but unlike last time I was pushing him back. I was making several hits on him cutting him several times. He then tried his semblance again but I dodged the strike getting behind him and stabbing him through the leg. "This is where you die." I said to him as I got ready to make the killing blow but then the girl from earlier jumped at me to attack me. I swing my sword cutting her in half only for her to vanish. I was confused then I looked at where the bull faunus was to see him gone. I tightened the grip on Lailah's katana. I then made my way back to hers body.

*Blake's pov*

I managed to get Adam to safety after he was nearly killed in that fight. Adam has passed out on the way back to base. (Y/n) is a dangerous opponent if he can do this to Adam. But what he said about that girl didn't make sense. She loved and cared for him enough to sacrifice herself to protect him. Maybe what we're doing here isn't right. I thought to myself as I sat on my bed.

*back to present and Yours pov*

I looked around the room after telling my story to see the reactions of everyone. Ruby has tears in her eyes, Weiss has a look of horror and sadness, Yang has a sad look on hers face, and Blake just staring at the floor. JNPR wasn't fairing much better though. Nora who always seems to have a smile had a frown and tears in her eyes, Ren who is pretty much like Blake staring at the ground, Pyhrra has her hand covering her mouth with tears running down her face, and Jaune is just staring in shock. "No wonder you attacked Blake in the forever fall forest." Jaune said. "Yeah knowing that I really can't blame you for attacking her." Yang said to me. I just nodded and looked out the window. Thinking back to when I was leaving my village.

*one year ago*

It's been about a month since Lailah's death. I had decided to leave the village in hopes of finding the guy who did this. Not out of revenge but because he won't stop killing until everyone he deems not fit to live is dead and I was going to stop him. I was at the village gate about to leave after saying good bye to my parents and grandfather when a voice stopped me.  "(Y/n) hold on." I turned to the voices owner to see Lailah's father approaching me. "Mr. Verde what can I do for you?" I asked him. He then held out White Lotus. "Here take this." He said to me. "But this is Lailah's sword it belongs with her family." I said to him. "I know but she would have wanted you to have it." He said to me. I took the sword from him. "Thank you." I told him. "And (y/n) one more thing. I found this necklace in hers room. It's the one you have her for her fifteenth birthday. I want you to have it." He said handing it to me. "Thank you." I told him he just nodded and walked off. After he walked off I looked at the necklace to see a silver wolf head necklace. I then put it around my neck and attach White Lotus to my belt and leave.

And done. Yeah this chapter was kind of heavy huh. But now you guys know why (y/n) wanted to kill Blake. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.


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