Chapter 5

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. Since I started this story in the middle of Volume 2 I figured I'd do a fight I wanted to do. A fight with Ruby. Now onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

I was in Professor Goodwitch's class. After my fight with Adam two nights ago I was a little mad at myself for letting him get away. "Now class would any one like to volunteer to fight?" Professor Goodwitch asked. "Ooh me." A girl I recognized as Ruby said jumping up with hers hand in the air. "Okay Miss Rose let's find you an opponent." She said to her. "Actually Professor I have one in mind?" Ruby said to her. "Ok who would you like to fight?" She asked her. "(Y/n) (l/n)!" Ruby said. I looked at her shocked. "Well Mr (l/n) What do you say?" Goodwitch asked looking at me. I smiled. "I accept." I said to her. "Yes!" Ruby cheered. I couldn't help but to smile at hers enthusiasm. She's just like Lailah. I thought to myself as I made my way down to the combat area. We both made it down and Ruby pulled out her's scythe. I took up my normal starting stance. "You don't have any trees to help you this time." Ruby said. "I won't need them." I told her. "Begin." Goodwitch said. Ruby charged me and I pulled out White Lotus to block the attack. Ours weapons clashed. She kept up hers assault but I couldn't keep up and took a hit that sent me skidding backwards. Man she's really good with that thing. Guess I'll have to take off the weights. I thought to myself as I slowed myself down. After I stopped I looked at Ruby. "Hey Ruby do you mind giving me a minute to shed some extra weight?" I asked her. She looked at me confused. "Uuhh okay." She said to me. "Thanks." I said to her.

*Blake's pov*

Ruby was really giving him a hard time. She even managed to land a good solid hit on him that made him slide backwards several feet. After he stopped he asked her a weird question. She answered him and he started taking off his gloves. "What could removing his gloves do for him?" Weiss said. Her's answer came in the sound of a loud thud. We looked to see he dropped his glove on the ground. He dropped the other one and it created another loud thud. "He's wearing training weights!" Ren said. "Training weights?" Jaune asked. "There special weights that are used for training. You put them on yours body to hinder movement." Ren explained as (y/n) started undoing latches on the braces that were on his legs. "So basically if you can move at his speed while wearing those weights." Jaune said. "He's probably fast enough to match Ruby's speed without them!" Ren finished. I looked at (y/n) shocked though I know I shouldn't be I've seen what he's capable of.

*Yours pov*

I finished undoing the latches on the braces and they fell off with a thud as well. I jumped up and down a bit to let my body get use to the weight change. "Ahh much better." I said. I then looked at Ruby. She still had that look of confusion. "There special training weights. You see I wear them to help with my training." I tell her. "Oohhh okay. So how much weight did you have on?" She asked me. "They weigh 10 pounds each so in all 40 pounds total." I tell her and hers jaw drops. "You can move that fast with 40 pounds on you." Ruby said to me. "Yep. Well shall we get back to ours match?" I asked her taking a fighting stance again. She smiled then charged at me again but this time I managed to parry all hers attacks.

*Blake's pov*

I was shocked to see what I'm seeing which was absolutely nothing. They were moving so fast that none of us could keep track. The only way we knew where they were was because of the sound of there weapons clashing and the path of rose petals. "This is amazing! This guy is matching Ruby blow for blow." Nora said excitedly. "I know this is so cool!" Jaune said. Pyhrra seemed deep in thought. "Something bothering you Pyhrra?" I asked her. "I think I know where he's from?" She replied. "You do?" Jaune said to her. "Yes." She replied. "Where?" Weiss asked her. "The Village of Mirrakawii in Mistral." She told us. "I've heard of that village. Some of the best sword fighters on Remnant live there." Ren said. "I know." Pyhrra said. "I've even heard they have a special process that not only strengthens the blade but increases it's sharpness as well." Ren said. They were right he is from Mirrakawii.

*Yours pov*

Me and Ruby were really going at each other but neither of us were making any head way on the other. We stopped for a minute to catch ours breath. "Wow your really fast!" Ruby said to me. "Yeah. You've got some speed there yourself." I tell her. "Not to mention your skills with that scythe are really good. Who trained you if you don't mind me asking?" I asked her. "My Uncle Qrow did." She replied. "Well he must be one dangerous fighter." I say to her. "Yeah he is." She said with pride. "Well shall we?" I asked raising my sword back up. "Yeah." She replied getting hers scythe ready for an attack but just as we were about to charge at one another the bell rang ending the match. "Guess we'll have to pick this fight back up later." I said to her. "Guess so." She said as she collapsed hers scythe back into its carrying mode. We then shook hands and I headed back to my dorm to take a shower.

Done. Hope you guys enjoy this little fight with Ruby. Next chapter will take place during the dance. Well until next time.

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