Chapter 11

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. This chapter will be the date with Blake and Yang's fight with Mercury. Pretty soon will be the final showdown with Adam Taurus. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

After I dropped Weiss off in Team RWBY's dorm I came back to my dorm to get ready for my date with Blake. I texted her and told her to meet me in the courtyard once she was ready. I finished getting ready for my date and left to meet Blake in the courtyard. Not long after I got there Blake walked up. "Hello Blake you look lovely." I said to her and she smiled. "You look handsome yourself." Blake said to me and I smiled. "Hungry?" I asked her. "Yeah I could eat." She replied. I held out my arm for her and she smiled. "Such a gentleman." She said to me wrapping her arm around mine. We then headed into Vale. As we were on the airship I decided to ask her some questions. "You know other than the fact that your a faunus and you were a member of the White Fang I don't know anything else about you." I said to her. "Well I grew up in Menagerie. My parents names are Ghira and Kali Belladonna. My father was the one who started the White Fang but after years of not getting nowhere he decided to step down and become the chieftain of Menagerie. Though I couldn't bare the thought of him giving up I called him a weakling and a coward. I guess it was my youthful optimism that blinded me to exactly what was happening. When I realized exactly what was happening in the White Fang I fled and devoted my skills to becoming a huntress. How about you I mean I still barely know you!" She said to me. "Well I grew up in a village called Mirrakawii but you knew that. I was raised by my parents (f/n) and (m/n) (l/n). My father started training me with a sword when I was 5. When I was 8 I met Lailah and we wound up becoming best friends quite quickly. Fast forward a few years and we were starting to date. But you know how that turns out. Then I started looking for you and Adam which brought me here." I tell her. She nods and looks at me. "You know what you said about Lailah's goal was always to protect the week kind of reminded me of Ruby in a way." Blake told me and I smiled. "Yeah. I've noticed that too. Those two would've been great friends." I said to her. "Is that one of the reasons why you decided to train her?" She asked me. "Yes and no. Yes she reminds me of her but I know she's not her. No for the fact that she asked me to train her and because she has the drive to want to better herself so she can protect people. That's why I decided to train her." I told her. "Well your right She definitely wants to learn to become stronger to protect people." Blake said smiling. The airship then landed in Vale and went to a restaurant. We got to know each other more and ate good food. After that we headed back to Beacon. I walked her back to her dorm and kissed her goodnight then headed back to my dorm to get some sleep.


It was now time for the singles round and Yang was up first against that guy Mercury Black from Haven. The match started and those two started attacking each other. Yang looked like she was having trouble at first but she managed to beat him. Then the unthinkable happened. She attacked the guy as he was walking off the stage. Though she's a bit short tempered at times especially when it comes to her hair she wouldn't do something like that. Something isn't right here. After she was taken off stage by Atlas soldiers I followed the rest of team RWBY back to their dorm. Of course I wasn't allowed to enter thanks to the two Atlesian robots outside their dorm so I just leaned against the wall and waited. Then a man with black hair and red eyes. Wearing a white shirt and black pants with a red and black cape on his back walls up. "So what are you here for kid?" He asked me. I looked at him. "Waiting to talk to my girlfriend." I told him. "Your girlfriend? So your dating Yang huh?" He said squinting his eyes and looking at me with a scowl trying to intimidate me. "No I'm dating Blake." I told him only for his scowl to vanish. "Oh well her I don't care about. Do what ever you want with her!" He said leaning against the other wall. I stated at him a minute then the door opened and General Ironwood walked out. He looked at me then the other guy then walked off. I walked into the room. "Can you explain to me what happened out there?" I asked her. She then told me about how she had won the match and started walking off but he attacked her so she attacked back. "Huh well it's possible your being framed." I said and all four of them looked at me. "What!?" They all said to me. "What makes you say that?" Weiss asked me. "I had a friend back in my village. He was a bit of a prankster and he used his semblance to pull pranks a lot." I told them. "Oh what was his semblance?" Yang asked. "He had the ability to make people see things that weren't really there or weren't actually happening." I told them. "So your saying someone made me see him attacking me but in reality he was just walking past me!" Yang said to me. "Yeah. I've noticed that the White Fang have been building up to something big but I could never figure out what but now that this is happening and all the strange occurrences I'd bet it has something to do with the Vytal Festival." I told them. They all stayed quiet for a minute. Blake looks at Yang. "Yang I'm not sure if that's what happened or not but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here." Blake said to her. Yang smiled at her. "Thanks Blake." She said to her.

And done with another chapter. It's getting real close to the end of Volume 3 and the end of this story. Well I hope you guys like this Chapter. Leave a comment and tell me what you guys think.

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