Chapter 3

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. This chapter you'll be fighting with team CRDL right off. Also next chapter will be a fight scene with the White Fang. Anyway onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Blake's pov*

Me and my team were currently in Professor Goodwitch's class.
It's been a few days since (y/n)'s initiation. The scary thing is he's stronger than he was a year ago. Much stronger. Just how much he's improved in just a year is quite shocking. A year ago he barely managed to hold off Adam but now if the two fought I can say without a doubt that (y/n) would probably beat him. Though it's hard to say for sure.  "Ok next match up Mr. (L/n) and Mr. Winchester." Goodwitch said. They both made there's way to the ring. "I'm fighting the new guy this isn't going to be a fair fight." Cardin said with a smug grin on his face. "He's right." (Y/n) said. Cardin looked at him with a smile until. "You might as well call the rest of his team to help him to make things fair." He finished. Cardin's smile dropped. "What you think you can take me and my team all by yourself?" Cardin said to him. "I know I can." He replied. "Alright. Will the rest of Team CRDL come down." Professor Goodwitch said. The rest of Team CRDL went down to the arena. They took up their fighting stances and (y/n) took up his. Putting his left hand on the sheath and pushing the blade out a bit with his thumb placing his right hand on the hilt.  "Begin." Goodwitch said starting the match. Team CRDL charged at him weapons ready. Team CRDL attacked him but only to not land a hit and to be pushed behind him. (Y/n) had his katana in his right hand and returned it to its sheath. CRDL was about to attack him again but the buzzer sounded ending the match. That made me look at the display board only for my mouth to drop open. All of Team CRDL's aura was in the red. He beat them without even breaking a sweat.

*Yours pov*

I was currently in Professor Goodwitch's class. Thinking of the new intel I got on the White Fang when Professor Goodwitch said my name. I had to fight the school bully only problem it would've been to easy if it was just him. So I decided to get Mrs. Goodwitch to bring down the rest of his team. They came down and took up their fighting stances and I took up mine. She then started the match. Cardin was the first to attack me with an overhead swing of his mace. I blocked it with my katana and used it to push his mace to the ground. I then made a slash across his stomach then his neck and shoulders. Then I pushed him behind me. Then the guy with blue hair charged at me with his halberd. I used my katana to push it sideways and then repeated the same process on him that I did to Cardin. The guy with the Mohawk attacked next only to receive the same treatment. Finally the brown haired guy attacked using the gun in his sword he fired a few rounds at me but I just deflected them with my katana. He charged at me and I just parried his attack and hit him the same way I got the other three. By the end of their attack they were all behind me. I then sheathed my katana and started walking off. Cardin and his goons were gonna try and attack me again but the buzzer sounded ending the match. Mrs. Goodwitch was shocked at just how quickly I beat them. "Team CRDL's aura is in the red so that means Mr. (L/n) wins!" She said after she finished the bell rang. I then went to change back into my school uniform since I had Professor Ports class next.

After I changed I made my way to his classroom. On the way there my mind drifted to the intel I had on the White Fang. According to my source the White Fang are using an abandoned building as a makeshift base. I'll go there after school and check it out. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize someone was in front of me before it was to late. I bumped into the person and we both fell over as we fell I turned around so the person I bumped into would land on top of me. After we hit the ground I opened my eyes to make eye contact with a pair of amber eyes. "You okay?" I asked her. "Yeah. I'm fine." She said back to me. "Well you want to get off of me?" I asked her. She then got off of me though I noticed a slight tint of pink on hers cheeks. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been reading and walking at the same time." She apologized to me. "No it was my fault. I was distracted and not paying attention to where I was walking." I told her. She then looked around almost as if to make sure no one's there. "Umm look (y/n) about what happened a year ago. I'm sorry about what happened. If I could stop what happened that day I would." She told me. "It's alright but I'm still not ready to forgive you just yet." I tell her. "That's understandable. But perhaps we can still be friends and maybe some day you will be able to forgive me." She told me. I pondered hers words for a couple minutes. "I don't see the harm in us being friends. Though I still don't trust you yet." I told her. She just smiles at me. "It's a start." She said to me. I noticed something amiss with hers outfit. I then hug her shocking her and causing her to blush a deep shade of red. "W-what are y-you doing?" She asked me. "Yours bow is messed up I can see yours ears." I whispered into hers ear. She then had a look of shock on hers face and hid behind me. She fixed hers bow. "Better?" She asked me. "Better." I tell her. Her's ears were kinda cute. Wait! What? Did I seriously just think that? I thought to myself. I shook that thought out of my head. "Uhh we better get going or else we're going to be late for class." I tell her. "Right. We better get moving." She said.

Well another chapter down. So how are you guys enjoying the story so far? Leave a comment and tell me what you guys think of it. Also I know it looks like I'm contradicting myself when I said that (y/n) nearly killed Adam a few chapters ago while in this chapter I'm saying he barely held his on against him. Well both parts are true. You see you did nearly kill Adam but he was giving you a lot of trouble. More will be explained later. Also just to clear this up. The only ones who know what happened a year ago are Blake, Adam, and (y/n). No one else knows. Not even Ozpin. Well until next time.

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