Chapter 10

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. I hate to break it to you guys but when I finish Volume 3 it will be the end of this story. But thanks for all the support on this story. Now onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Your pov*

I was currently in my dorm. I was laying on my bed with my scroll in my hands. Trying to see if I can locate Adam Taurus only to come up empty. I let out a groan and drop my scroll beside me. I then put both my hands over my face and drag them downwards. "What are you planning?" I ask myself. Then there was a knock at my door and I got up to go see who it was. I opened the door to see Blake I smile at her. "Hey Blake. What brings you here?" I asked her. "Just wanted to talk to you." She replied. "About what?" I asked her. "Can I come in?" She asked me and I moved aside to let her in. Once she came in I closed the door. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked her. "I was wondering how you were doing after that talk we had with my team and team JNPR and Sun and Neptune." She said to me. "Oh! Well I'm fine if it was a year ago I probably would be locked in here but I've gotten past that." I told her. She smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." She said to me as she started to leave. I then made a decision about just what kind of relationship I wanted with her. "Blake." I said to her getting her attention. She stopped just at the door and turned to look at me. "Yeah." She said to me and I kissed her on the lips. She was shocked at first but melted into it. After we broke I look her in the eyes. "I forgive for what happened a year ago and I'm sorry I tried to kill you when we were in the forest." I said to her and she smiled at me. "Thank you and I forgive you for what happened in the woods." She said to me. "Umm after Weiss and Yang's match in the tournament would you like to go out to dinner?" I asked her and her smile grew even wider. "I'd love to!" She told me kissing me again. After she broke the kiss she left. I smiled and put my hand on my necklace. "Guess I'm keeping a promise to you after all. Huh Lailah." I said to myself.


It was now time for Weiss and Yang's match in the doubles round. They were both down in the arena waiting for their opponents. I was sitting next to Blake holding her hand. Ruby hasn't even noticed us holding hands she was more distracted on the match despite it hasn't even begun yet. Though I've noticed Sun who is sitting behind me has a scowl on his face and his arms are crossed and Neptune is patting him on the shoulder. I just have a smirk on my face. Blake had told me that he's been trying to get her to go out with him before I showed up but now we're together. Then the match began and the girl Neon was really ticking Yang off. Calling her top heavy and making fun of her hair. Oh man this girl might wind up going home with at least 5 broken bones and that's just the minimal amount. I  thought to myself as I watched the match. Weiss was having a hard time with the guy with the trumpet. But then when Yang and Neon wound up over by Weiss and Flynt Weiss sacrificed herself by tackling Flynt into a steam vent dropping her aura to 0 while Flynt's still had a decent amount left. But now Yang was outnumbered 2 to 1. Though it didn't stop her from taking both of them on by herself. She wound up beating Flynt and then Neon. After the match ended the three of us ran down to check on Weiss as we got down there we saw Yang kneeling over her checking on her. "Weiss are you okay?" Ruby asked her. "I've been better." She replied to her. "Come on me and Yang can help you up and back to your dorm." I told her. "Yeah." Yang said as she helped me get her up. "Thanks." She said to us. "No problem Weiss. It's what teammates are for." Yang said to her. Me and Yang helped her back to their dorm and Ruby opened the door for us. Yang helped her onto her bed and Blake came in with some tea. "Here Weiss I brought you some green tea with honey for your throat." Blake told her. "Thanks Blake." She said smiling at her. "No problem. After the fight you had I'd say you deserve it and some rest." Blake said to her. Weiss just smiled and took a sip of the green tea. "Well I'm going to get going. I have plans tonight." I said to them. "Okay. See ya later (y/n)." Ruby said. "Yeah see ya later." Yang said. "Thanks for helping me get back to the dorm (y/n)." Weiss said to me. "Anytime Ice Queen." I said to her and she frowned at me. I just chuckled at her expression. I then left and headed for my dorm to get ready for my date with Blake.

And done with another chapter. Like I said I'm not going to continue this after Volume 3 but if I get enough requests for it I may do a sequel. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading.

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