Chapter 6

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. Due to the events of last chapter and  talking with RareHunter0 I've decided that Ruby will be yours training partner. Also I just want to say thanks to him for all the help he's been giving me on not just this story but my other ones too. So thanks for all the help I really appreciate it. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

I was currently training with Ruby. After ours sparring match a few weeks ago she asked me to help her get faster. I agreed and we've been meeting up to train every week. I had given her some of my weights to help her train hers body strength and speed. She had on a total of 8 pounds right now while I had upped mine to 48 pounds. She was actually doing quite well. Ruby dashed at me trying to make a hit but I saw it coming and blocked it. She then dashed away from me and attacked again. I parried it and kicked her in the gut. She bent over taking deep breaths. "Okay Ruby I think that's enough for now." I say to her offering my hand to help her up. She accepted it and I pulled her to hers feet. "I didn't hit you to hard did I?" I asked her. "No. I'm fine." She replied between breaths. "Good. I must say Ruby you've gotten a lot faster in just the few weeks we've been training together. It might be time to add some weight to those things." I said pointing to the bracelets and boots she had on. "You think. Though I think your right. It used to be a pain walking around with these weights on but now it's as if there not even there." She tells me. "Ok that answers it. It's definitely time to add more weight to your arms and legs." I tell her. "Okay." She said in hers normal care free attitude. "Then can we go get some cookies?" She asked me with a hopeful smile. I just smile at her. "Sure." I tell her. "Yippee!" She yelled as she took off to the locker room. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled at how childish she can be.

I followed her to the lockers and saw her waiting on me. I go over to my locker and grab four two pound weights. I walk over to Ruby and start attaching the weights to hers bracelets well bracers would probably be the better term since they start at hers wrists and stop a couple inches from hers elbows. She had painted them red to match hers hood. "So (y/n) You going to the dance tomorrow night?" Ruby asked me. "Not sure. Don't exactly have a date you know." I told her. "Oh come on what girl wouldn't want to go with you. I mean your one of the coolest guys in school." She told me. I chuckle at her response. I then took a deep breath in and out. "Ruby it's not that girls wouldn't go with me it's the fact that I haven't asked any of them to the dance." I tell her. "Why not?" She asked me as I finished attaching the weights. I look at her with a great deal of pain evident in my eyes. "I'd rather not go into it right now Ruby. Okay?" I said to her with a slight frown. She looked at me for a few seconds before talking again. "Okay." She said to me. I smile at her. "Okay now try moving around a bit." I tell her. "Okay." She replied and tries to walk around. She manages to move quite a good bit despite me doubling the weight. "Very good Ruby." I say to her. She looks at me and smiles. "Great! Now let's go get some cookies!" She yelled and took off in a flurry a rose petals. "Wow she really loves cookies." I said to myself as I finished putting my equipment up. "She does doesn't she." Another voice said I looked to the source to see Blake there. "Oh hello Blake. What can I do for you?" I asked her. "I wanted to ask you something. Though it may bring back a painful memory." She says to me. "Oh what's that?" I asked her. "Why do you wear that bandana around yours right arm? I know that girl you were with that day had one just like it tied in the same spot as you." She said to me making my smile drop. "If it's to painful you don't have to tell me." She told me after noticing the frown on my face. "No, no. It's okay. You see I wear it to remind me of the promise I made to Lailah before she died." I told her. "And what promise would that be?" She asked me. "That I would continue to live hers dream for her. That I would protect the innocent from people who think they can do whatever they wish because there stronger than them." I tell her. "Oh I see. So was Lailah that girls name?" She asked me. "Yeah. It was." I replied to her. "Okay thanks for answering me." She says to me and walked off. I sat on one of the benches and pulled something out of my jacket. It was a picture of me when I was a kid. There was a girl with light blue green hair and light blue eyes in it as well. The most notable were the two light blue green wolf ears on top of hers head. I sat there and stared at it for a bit before putting it up and heading to meet Ruby.

And done. Got another chapter down. And now you guys know more about Lailah. But I still have stuff about her that you'll find out about in later chapters. Well see you guys next time.

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