Chapter 2

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. Yeah I'm just gonna start numbering chapters. I'm running out of ideas for names of chapters. Any way this chapter will be the initiation. Now onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

I was in a black void all alone. I started walking around until I heard a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a year. "(Y/n)!" I started looking around to find the source. "Lailah!" I shouted into the void. "(Y/n)!" I heard her say again. "Lailah where are you?" I shouted. "(Y/n)!" I heard her again though this time I could tell she was in pain. "LAILAH WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted louder. Then I heard a sword piercing flesh and Lailah screaming. "LAILAH!" I shouted looking for her more frantically now. "Goodbye (Y/n)!" I heard her gasp out. "LAILAH nooo" I yelled dropping to my knees. "Don't worry human you'll soon be joining her!" I heard a man's voice. I look up in time to see him bring his sword down on me.

I woke up in my bed sitting straight up. I was breathing heavily. I got up and headed into the bathroom to splash water on my face. After talking to Ozpin in the forest he offered me a place in his school which I accepted. He gave me a room to stay in. After splashing water on my face a couple times and drying my face off I look into the mirror to see the wolf head necklace around my neck. I then head back into the room to get dressed and headed to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.


I grabbed (f/f) and went to find a table. I found a mostly empty table and sat down. Unhooking White Lotus from my belt as I sat. I laid my Katana on the table  then started eating. "Hello!" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see the cat faunus and her three friends that I fought in the woods yesterday. "Hello." I say back and go back to eating. "Mind if we sit with you?" The youngest girl asked. "Whatever." I said back to her. "You don't have to be rude!" The white haired girl yelled at me. I just rolled my eyes at her. The four girls then sat down. "My name is Ruby Rose and I'm the leader of Team RWBY." Said the silver eyed girl. "Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust Company." The white haired girl said to me. "The names Yang Xiao Long cutie and I'm Ruby's older half sister." The blonde haired girl said. "I'm Blake Belladonna. It's nice to meet you." She said to me. "If you say so." I said to her. She glared at me. "Aren't you gonna tell us yours name?" Ruby asked me. I let out a sigh. "My name is (Y/n) (l/n)." I told them. "It's nice to meet you (y/n)." Ruby said. "Yeah." I replied. "So do you have a speed semblance? Because you were going really fast." She asked me. "No I don't." I told her making all their jaws dropped. "Wait that was your natural speed. How are you that fast?" Weiss asked me shocked. "Yep." I told her taking another bite of my food. "How are you that fast?" Yang asked me. "That's my secret." I told her as I finished my breakfast and got up to leave grabbing my Katana as I left.


I was at the cliffs Ozpin was telling me my objective. "Yours objective is to get to the temple ruins and retrieve a relic then bring it back here. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in yours path or you will die." He told me. "Is that all?" I asked him. "Yes. Any questions?" He asked me. "Nope." I told him. I was then launched off the cliff and into the forest. I then used my semblance which is instant transmission to warp to the ground. I then started walking in the direction I thought the temple was most likely in. A small number of beowolves were in front of me. I just continued walking putting my left hand on the sheath and my right just above the hilt. Flicking the blade out a bit with my thumb when I got closer to them one of them leaped at me I swung my sword at it and slashed its neck killing it with a single strike. The others attacked as well but I just made single precise swings on each of  their necks killing all of them in a matter of minutes. After they were all dead I sheathed my sword. I then continued walking keeping my left hand on my sheath ready for any more Grimm that might try and attack me. I made it to the temple after eliminating a few more Grimm and found a round structure with small pillars in the structure. I walked up to the pillars to see chess pieces on top of the pillars. Chess pieces huh. I thought to myself as I examined them. I then grabbed the white rook piece then headed back. On my way back a Nevermore attacked me. It launched its feathers at me but I used my speed to deflect all the feathers that would have hit me and used instant transmission to warp on to the Nevermore. It noticed I was on his back and tried to shake me off. I grabbed on to its feathers as it twisted and turned trying to get me off his back. I managed to get to its neck and pulled out White Lotus from its sheath and stabbed it into its neck it screeched in pain and started thrashing around. I twisted my sword and severed it's spinal cord killing it. It started to descend to the ground. Using my semblance again I got off it. It crashed into the ground and I just headed back to the cliffs. I soon reached the cliffs and used my semblance to get to the top. "How was that?" I asked the Headmaster as I threw him the chess piece. "Very well done." Ozpin said with a smile. "Come let's head back to the academy." He said to me motioning for me to follow him. I followed him back to Beacon and he gave me my scroll with my class schedule on it. I then went back to my dorm to get some sleep.

And done. Now I'm pretty sure you guys are wondering who this Lailah girl is well you'll just have to find out in a later chapter. Also I know I haven't updated The Demon Hunter of Beacon lately. Sorry just been busy with this story and Undercover Assassin of Beacon Academy. I promise I'll have a new chapter of it up soon. Until next time.

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