v. male stripper

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y/n/n = your nickname


Mary Beth had thrown me a surprise party, for my 21st birthday, which I didn't really care for since I had just found out my boyfriend had been cheating on me, with a girl from my work. But Mary Beth kept on insisting, and pestering me, to the point where I gave in.

So here I sat in the corner of the room as I watched all my friends dance with each other. Mary Beth stood on the coffee table swaying her hips to the loud music.

As I glanced around, looking at everything in the house -the house we use to share- everything reminded me of him, the walls we had painted, the coffee table we had made -which I'm surprised it hasn't breaken yet - . My teeth sunk into my bottom lip, as I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. I quickly got up from my seat and ran to the backyard.

I gazed at the stars, as they became blurry from the tears I wasn't able to hold in. Soon enough I was full on sobbing. I thought the music would cover my crys, but it obviously didn't when all the girls came outside. I quickly wiped my tears, and weakly smiled at them, to try and stop them from pestering me.

They looked at me with eyes all filled with pity, instead of shouting things like 'He doesn't deserve you!' and 'You can do way better than him!' or 'He's a jerk!'. Yeah what he did was very hurtful, and he is a jerk, but he wasn't a jerk before. He use to love everything about me, and now, I guess he doesn't.

"I'm fine,"

"I just needed to get some air." I continue, glancing down at the pavement, as I felt a fresh tear fall from my eye, not caring to wipe it. I hadn't had any type of alchol today, thinking I didn't need alchol to keep me my mind from wandering back to him, but I do need it.

So, I put on a fake smile and shouted, "Well what are we waiting for let's party!" and with that we all rushed back inside. Mary Beth started pouring shots, passing them out to eveyone in reach, including me. I had a couple of shots, 3 or 4 beers, and the one currently in my hand, as I stood next to M B (Mary Beth), swaying my hips to the beat of the music, and bumping hips with her also. I took a long drink of the beer in my hand, letting it slip from my hands and fall to the floor, the glass breaking, but I didn't care. A loud knock sounds through the house. Tons of giggles escape our mouths before I get off the table, almost falling but catching myself. I walk towards the door clumbsily, holding my arms up to try and balance. I swing the door open, to see a really hot guy, in a police officer suit.

I bite my lip as he starts to speak, "I'm hear for the noise complaint, if you could just-" before the dark haired brunette man can continue I interrupt him, "What are you gonna do to us," I glance at his name tag, "Officer Jonas?" I teasingly say. I look back at all the girls, before we quickly pull him inside, shutting the door.

He mumbles a few words, saying he's a real officer, he's probably just shy. The girls rip his pants off, and shirt, eagerly. I look at him, noticing his tinted rosy pink cheeks, causing me to let out a small smile. "Birthday girl! Why don't you show this officer, how you like to dance?" Mary Beth tells me, winking at me, all the girls cheering me on. She mouths, 'Get it girl', causing me to laugh. I walk towards, him stumbling a little but he catches me quickly, causing me to grip his bare shoulders.

I decide to have a proper dance with him, "Well this isn't my job, but I don't mind dancing with a pretty girl." He smiles at me, as I laugh.

Yeah, he's suppose to be grinding on me, which I'd definetly prefer, but I'll make an exception. His hands slide down to my hips, guiding them to the beat of the slow song, as I wrap my hands around his neck. Throughout the dance my feet tangle with his a few times, causing us to laugh, as we seperate our feet, starting to dance again.

I slowly put my head on his chest, closing my eyes, while playing with the baby hairs on the back of his neck. I hear the girls cheer and squeal, causing me to lift my head up, "You can have him." I say while pushing him towards the other girls.

As I start to walk I trip on one of the chords connected to the speakers, I let out a loud gasp, as I feel a searing pain in my hand. I feel everybody turn towards me, as I look at my right hand to see a gigantic piece of glass, making my eyes widen.

I sit on the hospital bed, my hand wrapped, looking like a marshmallow. It also didn't help that I had a pounding headache and I felt like throwing up, "I'm so sorry y/n/n!" Mary Beth says, making me avert my eyes to look at her. I give her another weak smile, "It's okay M B, I had a good time. Besides my hand almost being cut in half, but that's besides the point." I tell her, as I hear loud footsteps, I look up to see officer Jonas.

I had apologized to him many times about, the girls and I thinking he was a stripper. He hands me a bottle of water, "They said they couldn't give you anything for the migraine." He tells me, a sad smile spreading on his face. "I'll be back, I need to use the restroom." M B says walking out, before she gives me a wink.

I turn back to officer Jonas, who's first name I still didn't know. "So. . .again I'm so sorry for anything we did to make you feel uncomfortable, we were drinking, and I don't kn-" He interrupts me, "It's fine really, you guys didn't do anything that would scar me for life -literally or emotionally- so no need to worry, although I could fine you for sexual assault to an officer, but I don't plan on doing that." He smiles at me as I laugh.

"Well, thank you so much, you can go..." I say pausing, since I don't know his name, "Nick." He fills in, "Nick." I repeat smiling. Even his name is hot. As he sits in the chair in a white tight shirt, and jeans, that he'd changed into not that long ago, I couldn't decide if he looked hotter in his uniform, or in his casual wear.

He notices me staring and turns to me, as I quickly look at the denim jeans I wear, that M B had brought for me to change, along with my very comfy adidas superstars. That tight dress, and heels were to be burned. "Well I better get going." He breaks the awkward silence. As he walks out the door, I quickly call for him, running towards him. He turns around, with hopeful eyes, my lips are about to press to his before I pull away. "Can you, umm. . .get me a cup of ice?" I ask him. His smile fades, before quickly reappearing, "Yeah, sure." He walks away.

Up til' today I still regret not kissing him, I always wonder what could've happened, and if I'll ever see those gorgeous caramel, brown eyes again.

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