x. you belong with me

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You'd think living next to the most popular boy in school, would be a benefit, but it really wasn't. I have to deal with the endless amount of noise, people moaning so loud, that even I can hear it.

I sat at my bay window, pushing my glasses up, as I did my homework.

I hear shouting, and look up to see Nick, arguing on the phone, with his girlfriend I assume, as always. Another thing I cannot tolerate.

I really like him, maybe even love him, but I'm in the 'I-barely-accept-you-as-a-friend' friend zone. We don't really talk that much. Once in a while, I'm the girl he talks to about all his problems.

Might as well become a shrink.

It's like he uses me when he needs to, then disposes me when he no longer needs me.

It's such a great feeling to be wanted only when your needed.

Gentle taps are heard, causing me to avert my eyes from my homework to quickly glance up.

I see Nick holding up a white board that reads 'Can we talk?' in black letters.

|y/f/c = your favorite color|

A sigh leaves my lips as I grab my white board, along with
y/f/c dry erase marker. I write, 'Sure' in the y/f/c coloured marker.

He looks down, and writes 'Sometimes she gets on my nerves, she just doesn't understand me and how I feel.'

I nod writing, "Yeah, I get it, I like this guy, alot, but he'll never notice me.'

He nods in return before averting his gaze to his whiteboard. 'I'm sure he will :)'

I shake my head, 'No he won't,' I write on the board.

He reads my board, 'Not with that type of attitude.' He responds, causing a laugh to emit from my mouth, he smiles at me.

This is the shortest imagine I've ever written. . .

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