xxxi. neighbors

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You let out a satisfied sigh looking around your condo. You were finally moved in. Everything was in its place and all the moving boxes were thrown away. Getting your dream job and moving to Toronto was a dream come true for you but at the same time it was a little overwhelming and scary. 

You hoped that you would not have a hard time adjusting to the life in the big city. The first couple of weeks at your new place kind of passed by in a blur since you were focused on your job. You had met a couple of your neighbors when you walked by them in the hall or rode the same elevator with them. They were sweet people and welcomed you into the building, and you were more comfortable with the strange environment now that you met a few of your neighbors and even became friends with some of them.

The couple that lived across from you was the nicest of them all. They were a little older and had 2 kids. You had spent a few hours with the wife getting to know her better and she told you a little about all the neighbors on your floor. You eventually met the rest of them but the only person that you had not met on your floor was the neighbor that resided in the space next to yours, Unit 112B 

From what you were told the tenant that lived there was a young guy living alone and wasn’t home much. Apparently they traveled quite a lot for their job. You didn’t think much about it not minding the fact that they weren’t home and it was quiet.    

After coming home from an exhausting day at work your thoughts were filled with what you were going to make yourself for dinner as you parked your car in the parking place underneath the condo walking into the elevator. 

You stopped by the main lobby and grabbed your mail before making your way up into your home. You opened the tiny mail box grabbing everything that was in there and locking it back up, you said a quick hello to the person that was behind the front desk as you made your way towards the elevators. Stepping out of the elevator you walked down the hall to your place. 

You noticed a raven haired guy standing in the hallway knocking on the door of the place that was next to yours. You didn’t pay much attention as you made your way down the hall grabbing your keys out of your purse. You looked up from your purse to see the guy was being let inside the condo of the mysterious tenant as you heard the door close behind him.  

 Unlocking the door you walked into your condo throwing the mail in your hand onto your coffee table as you kicked off your heels. You quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt as you proceeded to get started on dinner, wanting to eat and just relax. 

You finished eating as you washed the last of the dirty dishes and dried your hands walking out of the kitchen. You popped down on the couch opening a random channel on the TV to have some background noise while you went through your mail. While going through the mail you noticed that one envelope wasn’t lettered out to you. You noticed that there was no specific name on it was just address to “Current Tenant”. 

You looked at the address on the envelope and realized that was addressed for the place next to yours. You checked the time to see it was still early and figured that whoever was in there should still be awake. Grabbing your keys and the piece of mail you walked out into the hall and knocked on the door of the condo next to yours.

It took a few seconds for someone to answer the door. Your gaze was fixed on the piece of mail in your hand as you heard the door open. 

“Can I help you?” came a gruff voice from the person standing on the other side of the door.

 “Yeah I had this placed in my-” your breath was caught in your throat as soon as your gaze met the person that was standing in front of you. You weren’t able to finish your sentence as a wave of shock came over you.

 Standing in front of you was the Nick Jonas. It took you a couple of seconds for you to come out of your shocked state trying to wrap your head around the fact that one of your favorite singers was standing in front of you, in his condo. That was right next to yours. 

“Holy shit..” you whispered not being able to help yourself. Nick seemed to have a confused look on his face trying to understand why you knocked on his door.

 “You’re Nick Jonas” you said out loud. As soon as you said that an annoyed look covered his face as he rolled his eyes. 

“Let me guess you are a fan and just happened to stumble upon my house?” he said putting air quotations around the word stumble.

 “Oh no I was just-” you tried but he held up a hand stopping you. 

“This is getting out of hand. Standing outside the building and waiting for me is one thing but actually coming up here and knocking on my door?” he said with a clenched jaw. 

He appeared very aggravated as he continued to lash out at you about knocking on his door. 

“I actually live here I was just trying to return this-” you tried to explain but was cut off by him once again. 

“Save it honey, at this point fans like you will come up with any excuse to invade my privacy” he said glaring at you.

“You know what” you said in an irritated tone not liking the way he was speaking to you.

 “If you could stop your blabbering for a second you would know that the reason I came here was to give you this” you said shoving the envelope in your hand against his chest taking him by surprise as he grabbed onto it. 

“I live next door to you and that was in my mail box. I figured I would be neighborly and bring it up to you” you said explaining why you were there.

 “But excuse me if I was a little start struck seeing one of my favorite singers in front of me. I’m human that tends to happen” you clarified as he watched you with a stunned look listening to you explain everything.

 “Maybe get off your fucking high horse and listen to someone before you start accusing them of stalking you just because you are famous” you spat out not waiting for him to reply as you turned around and walked back into your condo slamming your door shut.

 Leaving an astonished Nick standing in his doorway holding onto the piece of mail in his hand. 

this is not mine, all credits go to @song-bird-shawn on tumblr.

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