xxii. hurt feelings

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Your eyes opened, and were met by a plain white ceiling. You went to move your hand, but stopped as soon as you felt a small weight on the palm of your hand. You looked up to see Nicks head hanging low, and his hand in yours. He shuffled and looked up.

"Y/n! Thank god!" He said shooting up and kissing you.

"What happened?" You questioned, the words barely passing your lips.

"You passed out at dinner the other night."

"I'm s-" Before you could finish, there was a light knock at the door and you and Nick both looked up to see the doctor standing in front of you.

"Miss Y/l/n, right?"

"Yes." You responded.

"Well it's nice to see that you're awake. Now, I want to let you know the reason that you are here." You nodded and gulped.

"So you suffered from high malnutrition and the lack of it caused you to pass out, now is there a reason that this might of happened? The malnutrition, I mean."

"Um. . ." He and Nick both looked at you.

"I just thought I would lose weight faster. . ." You mumbled, gripping the white cotton sheets.

"Oh. Well, you know that there are better ways to handle that than to starve yourself."

"Yes." You said, but it came out as a whisper.

"Well, once we get you something proper to eat, and your nutrition level to go up, then we can release you."

"Okay, thanks doctor." He smiled and looked at Nick whose eyes were beginning to water.

"Baby, is this because of what I said?" He asked, as his lips trembled.

"I'm sorry." You managed to whisper.

"No baby, I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have never said that to you. I'm so sorry. I love you so much." He said, hugging you tightly.

"Nick, it's okay, and I love you too." You said, clutching onto him tightly.

Do you guys like AU's ? Cause I'm thinking of making some of the imagines AU's. Well, technically using other peoples AU's, & giving credit to them at the end. Since I don't have time to write my own imagines.

Creds to @DIRECTIONERfae

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