vii. the grammys

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dedicated to: @Manchester_Babe


I stood, clad in a black suit, while adjusting my tie for what seemed to be like the twentieth time in the past 3 minutes.

I guess you could say I'm nervous, extremely nervous. To have been nominated for the Grammys, is one of the most amazing feelings on earth!

But it is also very nerve-racking. I felt small hands caress my tense shoulders, causing me to immediately relax.

I turn around to see Hayley, my wife of 10 years, smiling at me. "Hey baby." I say smiling at her, "and real baby." I continue, as I rest my hand on her baby bump, a small giggle escaping her pink plump lips.

"Are you ready?" She asks. "Yup, as ready as I'll ever be, I guess," I mumble the last part.

"You'll do great baby, even if you don't win, you are our number 1 star." She adds rubbing her bump gently.

Glancing down at our baby girl or boy, we wanted to have a gender reveal party, so we don't know the gender, a wide smile on her lips.

"I'm glad." I smile at her, "Well, let's go." She smiles grabbing my hand gently.

I grip onto Hayley's arm as we walk the red carpet getting our pictures taking. She groans, "Baby are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm okay, if you could just loosen your grip on my arm." She winces.

I immediately loosen my grip, "Sorry pumpkin, I guess I'm still pretty nervous." I reply.

"Yeah I can tell," She bursts into giggles. I watch as her beautiful laugh falls from her lips repeatedly. Staring into her mesmerising brown eyes.

I can't get over how beautiful she looks. Her shoulder length chocolate brown hair, up in a messy half up do.

Wearing a nice tight dress, that fit her curves perfectly, along with her small baby bump.

I get whirled back into reality, when Hayley speaks up, "Nick, baby, are you okay? You keep staring at me weirdly." She trails off gazing at me.

"Umm, yeah, I just- can't believe I was able to marry such a beautiful human being, both on the inside and out." I say, as her cheeks flush bright pink looking down. She looks up, gently placing her lips on mine.

Before pulling away, "I feel the exact same, even if you don't win a Grammy." I smile in return, pulling her into a big hug.

We continue walking down the red carpet hand in hand, making our way towards our seats. Finally sitting down, the hostess comes out announcing all the Grammy winners, my hope dies down as I haven't won anything and we're down to the last Grammy.

"And finally for the last Grammy, best song of the year, goes to. . . . . . . Nick Jonas, with 'Close'!" The hostess announces, as everybody cheers. I sit in shock before standing up, and pulling Hayley into a tight, big bear hug.

"Go!" She says excitedly pushing me towards the aisle. A laugh escapes my mouth, as I walk on stage, a wide smile on my face.

"Umm. . .wow, I wasn't actually expecting to get this award." I nervously laugh. "But I want to thank all my fans, for making any of this possible, without you guys I would be no where, and I'd just be a man with a dream, he never got to make happen. So thank all of you, so much, and I'd especially like to thank my wife Hayley, for sticking with me through thick and thin, and pushing me to strive for more, and giving me the blessing to become a father, without her I don't know where I'd be. Or who I'd be today. I'd like to thank my whole family, for believing in me. I want to thank all of you." I smile, the hostess handing me the trophy. I walk down the aisle to meet Hayley, wrapping her in another big hug, giving her a peck on the cheek, before kneeling down, so my face is near her stomach.

"Hey baby boy, or baby girl, I can't wait til' your born. I love you always remember that, and without you, my lucky charm, I wouldn't have been able to stay up all those late nights, working on this song, without you pestering your mommy, so thank you." I say, pecking her baby bump.

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