xxxii. neighbors

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"Dude who was that?" Kevin asked Nick as he came up behind him. He saw you from behind Nick and heard some of the banter that happened between you too. Nick was still standing at his front door with the piece of mail still in his hand.

"My next door neighbor" he muttered seeming a little dazed.

"She was cute" Kevin said but Nick didn't seem to hear it.

"Did I hear it wrong or were you guys yelling at each other?" he said to his brother as Nick finally closed the door and walked into his living room Kevin following behind.

"Yeah, I kind of accused her of being a crazy fan when all she wanted was to give me this piece of mail" Nick said letting out a sigh as he threw the mail in his hand on his coffee table.

"Way to make a first impression" Kevin said throwing himself on his brother's comfortable couch.

"Tell me about it" Nick muttered out sitting beside him. His thoughts trailed back to what he said to you and he grimaced at the memory of the harsh words he used. Nick suddenly stood up from the couch taking his friend by surprise.

"I'm going to go apologize" Nick said not waiting for Kevin to reply as he took off from the living room and made his way to your front door.

"Asshole" you muttered to yourself as you walked into your bedroom to get ready for bed, still fuming from the events that had happened less than 10 minutes ago.

You were still having a hard time wrapping your head around the fact that Nick Jonas was your next door neighbor and he just yelled at you accusing you of stalking him. You let out a frustrated sigh trying to get the many throw pillows off your bed taking your anger out on the poor pillows. You heard a knock on your front door making you stop your actions.

You walked up to the door looking through the peep-hole to see Nick standing on the other side.

"What the hell does he want?" you thought out loud as you unlocked the door, opening it.

"Here to yell me some more?" you said with a sarcastic smile.

His already crimson cheeks seemed to redden even more at what you said.

"Look I just came here to apologize" he said.

"I was wrong to assume to you were a deranged fan, and I am sorry for what I have said" he said seeming sincere with his words. Your mood suddenly seemed to change seeing the giant man in front of you apologize to you for his behavior. You nodded your head silently accepting his apology.

"Well I appreciate you coming over to apologize" you said looking up at him.

"Yeah well, my mama raised me right I guess" he said shrugging in a joking manner a small smile on his lips.

"Right" you said with a chuckle not knowing how else to reply. You two stood at your doorway awkwardly not knowing what else to say. What do you even talk about with a celebrity? He cleared his throat breaking the silence "I never got your name" he said looking at you questioning.

"Oh it's [Y/N]" you said introducing yourself.

"Well nice to meet you [Y/N], I know I haven't exactly made the greatest first impression but if you ever need something you know where to find me" he said with a grin.

"I'll keep that in mind, as long as you don't yell at me every time I knock on your door" you said with a teasing grin as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Good night [Y/N]" he said turning around to walk back to his condo when he stopped in his tracks turning around to face you.

"Nice shirt by the way" he said looking down at the Pokémon logo covering your breasts.

"Oh my god..." you muttered feeling your cheeks heat up forgetting what you were wearing as he chuckled wishing you good night one last time before walking back to his condo.

this is not mine, all credits go to @song-bird-shawn on tumblr.

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