xvii. viral

707 14 2

Not edited

Warning: mild cringe worthy smut 😂 & disturbing descriptions of blood & etc


I grab my phone, playing some games, when I receive a text from Nick.

see ya there

What? I scroll through our messages to see a message, that I definitely did not send.

|y/s/n = your sisters name|

I get up from my chair, and run downstairs, to see y/s/n talking to her boyfriend Cj.

"Did you send Nick this text?" I question her, shoving my phone in her face, pointing to the message.

She smirks, "Yeah, why? I'm helping you." She exclaims.

"I don't need your help, and dad said to stay in the house." I tell her.

"Like anyone is staying home, dad isn't even here." She tells me.

I turn to Cj, "You guys are going?" I question them.

"Hell yeah!" Cj says excitement in his voice.

Y/s/n raises her eyebrow, a sigh leaves my lips, "Fine." I say, walking upstairs, and getting ready.

I watch as Cj and y/s/n skip in the middle of the street, as I follow from afar.

"What are we gonna do tonight?!" Y/s/n screams.

"Get fucked up!" Cj yells after her.

I giggle in return as I catch up to them, shaking my head at there idiotic silliness.

I slow down as the house come in sight, it had't even been built fully.

The walls were barely being made, there was wooden slabs, standing a few inches apart, plastic wrap all over.

Smoke fills the house, along with loud upbeat music and alcoholic beverages in red solo cups, in the hands of many teenagers.

"Here, drink up." Y/s/n tells me, handing me a red solo cup.

I grab it, staring at it, before I look up, she raises her eyebrow, questioning me.

I look at the liquid, before a shrug rolls from my shoulders, and my lips meet the red plastic cup.

The alcohol flows down my throat, slightly burning.

"What is this?" I question her.

"Relax, it's just vodka." She shushes me.

I spot Nick walking towards me, a grin plastered on his face.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hey." I reply, a giggle escaping my lips.

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