✨Chapter 1✨

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"Years of love have been forgot, In the hatred of a minute."


3 Years Later......

'Los Angeles , 1995 📍


"What's the first thing you wanna do when you get out?" Pookie, Mileena's cellmate asked. Mileena looked up at the ceiling at Amir, her son's pictures and sighed.

"Well first I wanna see my son, then go to that bomb ass restaurant that sells these big ass chicken sandwiches." Pookie laughed.

"Yo ass always thinking about food." Mileena shrugged her shoulders. "I been eating prison food for three years, I need some real damn food."

"Yea I feel you."

Mileena stayed silent. She wondered if Amir knew she was getting out.. She also wondered if he wanted to see her. Tupac barely let him visit her because he felt that Amir was too young.

Now it was her last day in prison and she couldnt wait to see her baby boy.

Meanwhile, Tupac continued to write in his journal while Ryan prepared dinner. "Can you tell Amir to come downstairs?" She asked. Tupac didn't even hear her.

Ryan sighed and walked towards the stairs. "Amir! Dinner!" She yelled. She turned back to Tupac and rolled her eyes. "I hate when you do that, it's like your music is more important than me."

She looked to see if he was listening but he wasn't. "What's for dinner?" Amir asked rubbing his hands. "Just tacos.. can you tap your dad before I throw something at him?" Ryan asked.

"Throw something at who? Not I." Ryan shook her head and handed Amir his plate. "Thanks." Ryan smiled and touched his brown curly hair.

"You're welcome baby." He walked to the table and prayed over his food before he ate. "Damn that smells good." Tupac said grabbing a plate but Ryan smacked his hand.

"What the hell did I do?" He asked. "Ignore me again and I'll break all of your fingers so you won't be able to write again." Tupac sucked his teeth then grabbed his plate.

"I don't ignore you, when I'm writing I'm in my own world alright? I just can't hear you." "Whatever, anyways.. I think we should talk."

Tupac raised a brow stuffing his mouth. "About?" He asked. Ryan looked at Amir then at him. "My lawyer called and said Mileena is getting out tomorrow." She whispered but Amir clearly heard her.

Tupac nodded. "So?" He asked. "So? What you mean so? She's gonna try to take Amir." She said. Tupac sighed.

"Look, I'm not trying to take him away from his mother.. that's some cruel shit. The only reason why I barely let him see her while she was locked up was because he was confused and he was too young."

Ryan was silent. "So we're gonna share custody." Ryan rolled her eyes. "I know you're still hurting-" "You have no idea how bad this hurts."

She started crying. Tupac frowned. "I'm going to my room." Amir said walking past them. When he disappeared upstairs Tupac spoke again-

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