Chapter 11: Mama

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A promise made is a promise kept ;)

Chapter 11: Mama

Stardate: 2260.53

My belly protruded like a beach ball under my shirt. I was 5 days off my human due date (nine months of pregnancy) and two months off of my Vulcan due date (Vulcans typically have 11 earth-month pregnancies). Bones was unsure as to when I would give birth, but he was sure about one thing - or rather, two things - I was having twins. They were identical twin girls and Pavel and I had decided on names. Caoimhe Phoebe Chekova for one girl and Dimitra Liandra Chekova for the other. Nyota had protested when I hadn’t named a baby after her and I’d told her the next girl would be Alexandra Nyota Chekova. She seemed okay with that.

At any rate, I had to basically carry my baby-pocket around because my back was trying to murder me. Two babies (roughly 6 and a half pounds each - yeah, I somehow had 2 full-sized babies in my uterus - and that was enough to make me want to rip them out myself) who were hell inside my body would be even worse out of me, according to Bones, who objected greatly to my getting pregnant. He declared he wouldn’t be delivering my babies if I were to go into labour on the mission (2260.55). I know he’s lying because he would have to. The nurses aren’t qualified to deliver children alone.

I collapsed into my bed after a day full of…nothing. The doona barely covered my large stomach and there was another on the other side of the bed for Pavel. What? It wasn’t my fault my gigantic, protruding baby-belly took up all of the covers! The covers that were lulling me quickly into a well-needed sleep.

“Dani, wake up.” I opened my eyes at the sound of my nickname to find my pal Sol shining into the room from the outside space…literally. Pavel was in his grey off-duty Starfleet uniform. “The service is in 1 hour. We leave for earth in 20 minutes.” I groaned and got into the shower. After that I took the remaining 3 minutes of my time to get dressed, allowing 12 minutes to get there. What? We have fast shuttles.


“Many died and many were injured. That day was all in all a tragedy and will never be repeated. Thank you and goodbye.” The service was over. Ensign Mary Sue had sat next to me for the whole three hour service and I was about ready to kill her. Constant whispers of clear lies were flowing through my brain.

I attended the required dinner with the bridge and medical crew of the Enterprise (no Phoebe or Liandra) and naturally I was surprised to see T’Kaiya, as she didn’t work on the bridge. “Kaiya, what are you doing here?” She tried not to smile at me…because of the people.

“I was sent to make sure you didn’t try to…” she looked me up and down. “‘Make a run for it’” I laughed. I could barely walk without my legs snapping, so running would be a miracle.  Kaiya helped me park my pregnant arse onto a chair at the long dining table. I had Pavel on my right, Kaiya on my left, Sulu to my front left, Bones in front of me and Nurse Chapel to my front right. I smiled at Bones, who looked sullen and annoyed…so he had his normal face on.

“Hi Bones. How have you been?” Bones sighed a little, clearly overjoyed at the prospect of a conversation with me.

“I’m fine, except for the fact that I’m gonna have to deal with a kid on board.” I rolled my eyes. Six other officers were bringing kids with them and forty were bringing their spouses. Surprisingly few of the 400 officers had families.

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