Chapter 13: I'm wide awake

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Chapter 13: I’m wide awake

Stardate: 2263.91

The first thing I registered was the whirring noise of the stasis tube coming out of the wall and the second was that I was naked. I felt better than when I went in, which I guess was inevitable. The light registered next and I opened my eyes carefully. I registered fingernails that were about 30 centimetres long and my hair reached my ankles (I was upright). Before I had time to sit up, my fingernails and toenails were clipped. The stasis tube was fixing me up. “How long would you like your hair?” The monotone computer blurted at me. I thought about it for a second.

“About the middle of my back, thanks.” The scissors went to work and soon my blonde locks were hovering at the middle of my back. “Shit, I’m 20…I’ve lost three years of my life.” I put on the Starfleet issued tracksuit next to me and then Jim walked in.

“Oh, hey you’re up. Great. We woke Chekov up a week early because he was starting to wake up naturally. Anyway, he’s in the other room getting his second checkup.” Kirk pointed his thumb behind him and I ran into the room, jumping into Pavel’s lap.

“Hello Dani.” I frowned.

“I know my real name is Dannan and everything but…now that I’m all reverted I’m going to respond to Bella so don’t be offended if I don’t answer when I’m called.” I smiled at my boyfriend and glanced down at the promise ring still on my finger. That was when Bones dragged me into an examination room.

“Okay, so here’s your start off pregnancy pill and that’ll take effect in about an hour. Don’t have sex until then, okay? I don’t wanna have to birth any more of your children. Well, I don’t mind if they’re planned because then I have some warning.” I rolled my eyes at Bones.

“Whatever. I don’t think that after my week-old children died I’m too eager to have more.” Bones sighed and did that thing that boys (men) do when they’re thinking.

“That happened three years ago. You may have registered it as the blink of an eye but…we had the funeral for those little girls long ago. You should move on with your life.” I sighed a little and nodded my head.

“I guess you’re right. Thanks for the pills, Bones.” I made my way out of the exam. room and to the bridge. The door slides open and I smile. “Permission to…what? I walk in without permission - a punishable offence if you're not the captain’s cousin - and storm over to my control panel. “Who are you and why are you still here?!” The man who must have taken over my job is still sitting there, even though I was perfectly capable of working. A pair of hands fell onto my shoulders.

“Dani. It’s okay, I just thought you’d want a few days off to…well, to be honest I want you to spend time with Phoebe. She’s…feeling a bit off. Dani, I’m sorry I have to tell you this right away instead of breaking it to you slowly…Liandra’s gone. She stole an escape shuttle and fled.  We don’t know why and Phoebe isn’t taking it well.” I frown.

“Well just stick her into a stasis tube.” The thing about a stasis tube is you’re in there longer the more damaged you are. Pavel and I lost our children and we were in the middle of puberty, so the hormones didn’t help. Phoebe is no longer pubescent (not at age 21) and she didn’t lose Liandra forever. There’s still a chance we could find her. “She’d be in there what, a week? Two?” Jim shook his head.

“We can’t do that. Those tubes use up a whole lot of power. We had to put a lights out time in place. If we didn’t we would’ve been dead in space until we came across a class 3 or more planet. If we put Phoebe in before at least 6 months of time letting the stasis tubes cool, we could blow up the Enterprise!” Another thing about stasis tubes is that they’re a new invention. They’re not very good for a while after use. I sighed.

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