Merman Love Part 2

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A/N Since so many of you gorgeous people wanted more, im giving you more. Hope you enjoy and thank you all for the sweet comments, my face hurts from smiling!


Thomas POV

Deep breathes, Thomas

Suck in that ocean

That actually sounds pretty gross

I mean there's a lot of fish poo and human garbage in the ocean

Does that go away or just get swept somewhere else?


Okay so you'll meet James regularly tonight, then ask for his hand

Wait what?

Oh my god Thomas you're already fucking this up

Angrily running my hands through my hair a couple tines, i took deep breathes and swam upward to the ship hovering just above me.

I had made my decision to confess my feelings to James tonight and i already regret it. But if i don't do it know i don't think ill be able to talk to him without literally throwing myself on to him.

I waited a few minutes a few yards from the ship, like always, until i saw a boat get carefully set down below and makes its way towards me. The reason i knew it was James and knew where to stay was because we had been doing this for a couple weeks after i first met him.

When he finally made his way over to my floating head, i almost gasped, he was in his 'pajamas' which consisted of no shirt, which made me unconditionally warm, and baggy shorts he had got from his dad a while back.

How the hell am i suppose to think straight with him looking sexy as hell??!!

"Hey Tommy! Sorry i couldn't find my shirt and didn't want to be late so here i am," he said with a shy smile. Its amazing how fast it took him from being a stuttering mess to a guy who talks nonstop without so much as a mistake.

"O-oh no! Its fine!-Trust me- Hey i have to uh tell you s-something," i said, trying to keep my voice from wavering.

He looked at me with a curious stare and said with a smile, "Go ahead Thomas."

Taking a deep breath i looked into his eyes like i didn't care about my own death.

"So, um, well do you remember that time i told you i like someone?" i questioned, trying to stick to the plan i made.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression, "Yeah. Are you finally going to tell me who they are?"

I smiled a nervous smile and heard myself reply with, "Well since you asked so kindly, Sweety, i guess i have no choice."

Without a moment of hesitation i blurted out," Its you. Its your stupid cute ass face that i fell in love with right when i saw you in that boat. I've been scared as shit to tell you because for one, I've never liked a human the way i like you before and two, im a merman, i don't know how that would work out but i was hoping someho-"

I was cut off by a pair of soft, slightly dry lips capturing my own. It took me a moment to realize that James, the shy not at all dominant one, was kissing me.

And i wasn't kissing back, holy shit Thomas what the fuck are you doing?!

I snapped out of my thoughts and kissed James with as much force as he was kissing me, which was a lot.

After a moment we broke apart needing air and i swear i saw stars. Well a lot more than usual since it was nighttime.

"Thomas you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," he let off a giggle of embarrassment and i found myself smiling wider.

"So you like me too?" i asked, kinda already knowing the answer but wanting to hear him say it.

"No i just kissed you because you're the only guy in a ten mile radius who likes me. Of course i like you silly," he stated, pulling me toward him to connect our lips once again.

I regret nothing in my life to be honest with you readers. And im thinking that this is the end of the chapter so im guessing me and James live happily ever after or something close to that. Bye!

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