Ice Cream and Whiskey

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James POV

Why must everyone be complete douches??

Storming out of the shitty apartment, i felt the cold air of the night blow against my skin. I furiously wiped at my eyes and made sure my backpack was tightly on my shoulders.

Without a backwards glance i walked away from the screaming and pleading.

I caught him cheating on me fucking twice, im done. Im not going back to that guy anymore. Im going to find a place to stay for a while then live my life without that bastard in it.

The first time i forgave him, he was drunk, she was probably drunk, it didn't matter. Then, after that i noticed they became closer and now look what happened.

"Deep breathes, you're okay James," i thought to myself over and over until i eventually calmed down.

"Now, who can i call?"

"Shit," i mumbled, looking through my phone and trying to find someone to call.

Aaron was already living with Theodosia and there was no way i was gunna ruin that. Peggy lived on her college campus so i cant do that.

I thought maybe about living with Eliza and Angelica but that quickly left my mind. I like them as friends but don't think i could stay with them.

Hercules and Lafayette are way too sexual for me. Then hamiltons just a douche so i wont be staying with him or his boyfriend, John.

My finger paused over the number "Thomas." I hadnt talked to him in months ever since i "accidently" threw a frying pan at him since he said my boyfriend was trash.

Looks like he was right all along.

Sighing and praying to any god out there to not be a dick at the moment, i clicked "call" and waited.

It rang five times and i was about to hang up when i heard a tired voice mumble, "What?"

Oh yeah, i forgot it was four in the morning.

"Hey Tommy-uh Thomas. Its James," i was met with silence then what i thoughht was him sitting up.

"Wanna explain why you're calling me at four in the morning?" Still the same cocky tone.

"So uh, remember Max?"

"Obviously. What did he do?"

"Well at the moment him and that fucking slut Becky are playing chess at his apartment," i said, slightly losing my cool and feeling my eyes watering.

I heard him sigh as i rubbed my eyes again, "Ill get some ice cream and whiskey." Even though i dont like whiskey, and Thomas knows this, i said okay.

"Do you need a ride?" i heard him ask, already hearing his keys jingling.

Knowing he'd pick me up no matter what i said, i decided not to argue and told him where i was.

*Thomas picked him up and now they're at his house*

Shoving another spoonful of chocolate ice cream in my mouth, i propped up my feet on the coffee table and sighed.

Thomas looks at me, then his cup of whiskey, then back at me, "You wanna-"

"No," i interrupt, not wanting to think about Max.

He nods his head, "Okay."

Silence turns to awkward silence and i can tell Thomas is dying to say something. Silence always bothered him.

I sighed and saw Thomas look up hopefully out of the corner of my eye, "Im not going to talk about Max."

He continues to look at me and i turn towards him, "But i am going to ask you how your day has been."

Confused, but smiling slightly Thomas starts explaining his day. First he woke up and felt like he forgot something, then realized he was suppose to help Aaron pick a dog to get.

He rushed to get ready, then tripped over Snow, and spent an hour trying to see if she was hurt.

When me and Thomas originally dated, before i started dating Max, we found Snow on the side of the street with blood coming out of her stomach. Immediately we brought her to the vet and after that took her in. We get scared easily if she does something that hurts, or in this case we do something that might hurt her.

I let Thomas keep Snow because when we broke up i went to go live with my mom who's allergic to cats. I did however text Thomas sometimes asking how Snow was doing.

Anyway, back on topic, he had a shitty morning only to find out that Aaorn already picked a dog with Theodosia. Thankfully Aaorn didnt care that he was late and they later just hung out the rest of the day. Then he went home and cleaned up the place and that was about it.

We started talking a lot after that and i found myself feeling a lot more happier, but with every minute that passed, i felt closer and closer to breaking down.

Being with Thomas after this long, eating ice cream and sitting on the couch that we use to cuddle on so many times, it made me realize how much i missed him.

I fucked up, i know that but Thomas never did anything wrong and i hate that it was my fault were not together anymore.

Its my fault he's alone, its my fault Max cheated on me, and its my fault that im ruining the ice cream with my tears.

Thomas said nothing, just took me into his arms and ran his hand up and down my back comfortably. Even Snow jumped up on the couch and purred against my shaking frame.

I cried louder and hung on to Thomas tighter, feeling Snows soft fur on my arm. I missed this, i missed it so much and i wanted it again but i couldn't have it.

I want to wake up by Thomas again, watch him make breakfast, be with him everyday, laugh at how Snow would cuddle with me more than him, play with his hair, i want my old life back.

A/N Imma make a second chapter, have fun waiting months for that.

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