Chapter one

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Alex's POV:

"Hey sweetheart, maybe you should take off a few layers!" Some slob from a group of guys called from an alley way. I continued walking as any smart person would do. One of the boys grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the alley.

"Or do you need help?" The guy holding me down started to undo my top but I quickly head butted him. He flew back from the force.

"I am perfectly capable of dressing and undressing myself- thank you very much." I tried to get past the group but they decided to avenge their hurt friend.

"Let me through assholes." I grumbled but they didn't budge.

"Not yet sweety." A guy wearing mostly black eye raped me.

"Why don't you come and try me, tough guy." I stood my ground, knowing I could take all of them at once. He laughed softly at me then moved to punch me. I grabbed his fist mid swing and crushed it using my vampire strength. I then kicked his legs out from under him and he fell with a crack. He shattered his kneecaps. One of his buddies then tried to attack me from behind but I swiftly elbowed him in the jaw, breaking it in seconds. His death seemed to startle his friends but they still didn't seem like they were going to let me go. There were only three of them left so I decided to play a game. I walked up to one quickly and began to compel him.

"Stand against that wall and do nothing but stare at your dead friend." I turned to the second. "Stand next to him and do nothing but stare at your unconscious friend." I slowly walked up to the third guy who was trying to act tough but I could smell the fear on him. I quickly bit into his neck and drank until he died. I did this to all of them.

"Now what?" I mumbled to myself.

"Oh yeah! Leave them to rot." I smiled and began my journey back to my hotel. I was staying at some fancy hotel in Los Angeles. It had been a little over three months since I left Mystic Falls and I decided to show back up for awhile. Damon was constantly leaving messages for me over the past week about Stefan going rouge again.

"Shit shit shit." I grumbled as I threw everything I owned into my suitcase and backpack. I checked out of the hotel then hopped into my black 67' mustang to get to Mystic Falls.

~~~~two days later~~~~

I was sitting in a small diner just outside of Virginia.

"What can I get for ya little lady?" A kind looking old man asked me.

"Pancakes and a black coffee please." I smiled and handed him my menu.

"What's got you way out here? If you don't mind me asking." The guy questioned innocently.

"My brother is an alcoholic who had just gotten clean but something pushed him over the edge again so I am showing up to fix him." I gave him the human answer, he smiled at me sympathetically.

"That's a shame you have to drop your life to help him. You seem like you have better things to do than save your brother..." he trailed but I only smiled at him.

"Not really, I've just been travelling the world- nothing too big." I smiled, he chuckled then walked off to place my order. I looked out of the window next to me to see a fancy looking car pull up next to mine. I looked away for a millisecond to see the old man give me my food but when I looked back the people in the car were already in the diner. Guess who strolled his ass through the door?

Leonardo de caprio!

Nah I'm playing it was just Stefan and some hot blonde guy.

"Stefan Salvatore." I called- knowing he could hear me. He peeked up for a second, looked around, saw me then swiftly turned around as if I didn't exist. I tuned into their conversation using my super hearing.

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