Chapter two

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Alex's POV:

"Alex!!" Tyler's shocked voice nearly destroyed my hearing. I of course flinched as he hugged me.

"Hey Ty, you got strong." I noted as he awkwardly stepped back and he invited me in.

"Yeah, about that Alex..." he paused as if he was trying to think of an explanation.

"What happened while I was gone Tyler?" I followed him to his kitchen.

"I'm a werewolf and I know you're a vampire. I know everything." He quickly spoke and if I didn't have my vampire hearing I wouldn't have been able to understand him.

"That's good to know and I have something to tell you also..." I trailed quietly. I didn't really want to tell Tyler about some of the things I did but I knew I had to.

"What? Did you kill someone?" He joked but with one look at my surprised face he quickly shut up.

"Yeah I did." He looked horrified. "I only did it because of what they did to me. I've had a rough time!"

"You were only gone for three months..." Tyler trailed off, heartbroken.

"Tyler, dude, I'm only joking. I only killed like twelve people. I'm already over it." I reassured him, he nodded slowly at me.

"So, what did you go see on your trip?" Tyler changed the subject quickly. That got us into a conversation that lasted hours. We laughed a shit ton at bad jokes. I had slept over at his house that night.


"Lex, wake up." Ty groaned from under me. I was currently using him as my own personal body pillow. He was just so warm and comfy!

"Piss off." I grumbled and went back to sleep. Ty mumbled something about 'Brits taking over our culture, first music now slang and TV'


"Lex, we need to get up, I've got things to do." Ty woke me up again.

"No you don't, you don't have a life." I mumbled into his chest. The asshole rolled over! He was now laying on me.

"You're an ass."

"So are you."

"That's why we're best friends." A knock interrupted our bickering and in came Carol Lockwood. She starred at me for a moment before scolding me.

"How could my favourite kid come back into town without even seeing me first? I thought you loved me!" She put a hand to her heart.

"Ty get off me so I can fix mom." I pushed him off and ran over to Carol. I hugged her tightly. Carol was like a mom to me. We were pretty tight.

"Love you too mom." Ty grumbled from the floor. We laughed at him and his pouty face.

"Haha mom loves me more!" I stuck my tongue out at him. He went to flip me off but Carol gave him the mom look.

"Alright so I have to go to a meeting, I'll be back in a few hours. If you need anything call me. Oh and Alex, it's good to see you again." She walked out of the room then out of the house.

"Oh shit, Damon is gonna be so pissed I didn't come back home." I gasped when I saw the time was one in the afternoon. Tyler laughed at me, I gave him an annoyed look before grabbing my belongings and driving back home.


"Hello, Alex." Damon slowly turned to look at me from his mini bar. "Where have you been all night and day?"

"Hello Damon, I've been out." I replied vaguely. Damon didn't like Tyler or me hanging out with him.

"Out where? Little miss yesterday's outfit." He gave me his judgemental look.

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