Chapter three

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Two months later

"Damon, I'm leaving town again!" I shouted as I rolled my suitcase down the stairs. "You probably won't see me for years, you might want to come say goodbye!"

Silence was all that greeted me. He wasn't home. I shrugged, he'll get over me not saying bye. I used my vamp speed to put my belongings in my car. I was leaving again because there was nothing in Mystic Falls for me anymore. Stefan was gone, Jer has his own human life to live, and Tyler was busy with Care.

"Adios Mystic Falls."


"Hello Texas."

I decided to go back to Texas. My only real reason to go to Texas was for the men there. Have you seen some of them? On a completely unrelated note I was driving to a bar I'd been to a couple times in the past. I knew the owners pretty well too, so they would probably let me crash at their place.

The entire drive to the bar was spent singing along to country music and eating at Waffle Houses. When I finally arrived at the biker bar it was already night time.

"Hey little lady, are you lost?" Some giant asked me. He had a red bandanna on his head and was wearing mostly leather.

"No sir, I'm just here for a friend." I smiled and continued walking because there's no need to push conflict. He was just trying to be nice.

"No way! It's Alex Acula! I thought you would be dead by now, sweetheart." Little old Agatha Wilkins greeted me. She was in her late 60s and her husband, Bule, was in his 70s. Agatha seemed harmless but she could kickass if need be. I met them in 1987 when Stefan and lexi were off at concerts. I had been travelling solo through most of the 80s. 

"I see you're still hanging on Agatha, where's Bule?" I returned her greeting but before she could respond Bule came out of the back room.

"Hey Alex, its good to see you." Bule hugged me before excusing himself to the backroom.

"What would you like to drink dear?" Agatha asked as we made our way to the bar.

"Just a beer." Agatha smirked like she knew what I was gonna say. I suddenly smelt werewolf. I could feel him walking up then sitting next to me. I was just enjoying my beer, by myself. He sat silently and kept glancing at me for at least three minutes.

"Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to say something?" I turned to him in irritation. He looked shocked that I noticed his existence. It's pretty hard not to when he's sitting right next to you though.

"Sorry, I just couldn't think of anything to say to such a beautiful woman." He tried to be charming, I'll give him that.

"Why thank you but there's no need to be speechless in front of me." I gave him a smile before turning back to my beer. Before I drank any of it I smelt a drug in it. I smirked before putting it back down. The man looked slightly disappointed.

"What's your name?" I turned to the man next to me. He tried to drug me so I'm going to play him.

"Ray Sutton." He answered confidently. "What's yours?"

"Alex Acula." Came an extremely familiar voice. It was Stefan Salvatore, coincidentally at the same bar I was which meant Nik was not far behind.

"Stefan." I side hugged him, Ray looked confused and slightly let down.

"Do you know each other?" Ray asked lightly. I gave Stefan a look, telling him not to mention that we're vampires.

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