Chapter 4

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Alex's POV:
I have been driving for hours and I haven't seen a soul. Granted I'm on the Loneliest Road in America. I had decided to take the long way back home. As I continued to drive I saw a car pulled over onto the side of the road. It was a black 2016 Ford Explorer and I could see the outline of a man. I pulled over in front of his car to see if I could help him but when I got out he was gone.

"Damn, it's a vampire." I grumbled to myself as I heard him running towards me. I braced myself for the impact and when it hit it hurt like a bitch.

"Holy Fuck..." I groaned in pain as I held my head. The vampire was still on top of me, probably trying to figure out why I hadn't died from his push- not knowing I'm not human either.

"Alex?" I heard the familiar accent of Nik. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing he wasn't going to kill me.

"Thank god it's only you Nik!" I hugged him, after a moment he returned the hug.

"Why are you out here anyways?" Nik began questioning me.

"Why do you care? You only ever saw me twice." I pointed out, curious as to if he were to be playing me.

"Well you're far too rare of a breed to not care about, darling." He helped me stand up. I chuckled under my breath as I wiped off the dirt from my clothes.

"Well thank you Nik, for not killing me and for calling me a rare breed but I must be heading back to Mystic Falls now." When I finished talking he looked at me with confusion spread across his face.

"Why are you going back there?"

"I don't really know, just feel like I should." I replied with a shrug.

"Why not just come with me, we can go find werewolves to turn into hybrids." He offered.

"What about my car?"  I asked, worried for my baby.

"I'll put it in one of my garages in Colorado." He offered up, for a moment I was hesitant then I looked into his blue eyes.

"Sure, why not?" I caved and got back into my mustang to follow him in until we get to his garage of choice.


"Now are you sure no one is going to break in and steal my baby?" I triple checked with Nik after he locked his garage door.

"I'm positive no one is going to even make it into the property without dying a horrible death." He reassured me, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well then let's go!" I threw my one duffel bag over my shoulder and walked to Nik's car. I heard Nik grumbling something under his breath about witches and their unreliable prophecies. I wasn't going to question the crazy man.


"Eye spy with my little eye something... blue!" I continued our game of eye spy and I was winning.

"The sky?"


"The lights on the dashboard?"


"The car in front of us?"


"I give up!" Nik threw his hands in the air, we have been playing for hours now.

"It's your eyes!!" I giggled at his shocked and irritated face.

"How in the hell was i supposed to guess that?" He groaned as he continued driving along the highway. It was about two in the morning and we haven't stopped driving since Colorado.

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