Chapter 5

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Alex's POV:
"Where to next asshole who stole my memories?" I asked Nik, still mildly pissed he compelled me to forget about him on far more than one occasion. We had left Washington and made it to Oregon, a real green place.

"We are going into the city, I have some business to attend to." Nik's vague response earned him a heavy eye roll.

"Then I'm going out partying, maybe I'll find a nice werewolf to sleep with." I taunted him, his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel.

"You're coming with me." Nik didn't even look at me.

"I'll pass." I spoke jumping out of the car as Nik parked in a hotel parking lot. He groaned in frustration, I had been acting like this since we got in the car in Washington.

"Love, I did it to protect you, my father was after me and he would've gotten you to get me!" Nik threw his hands in the air.

"Oh I've come to terms with the compulsion and everything already I just like fucking with you!" I revealed to him while laughing so hard I fell down. Nik's face was bright red with either anger or embarrassment.

"I should've known you were just being an ass." Nik walked away from me into the hotel lobby to get our room. When he came back out I had collected myself enough to walk to our room without laughing at his expense.

"You're too easy Nikki, loosen up a little." I poked his side after I set my luggage down at the foot of one of the beds. The hotel room was nice, two full size beds, fridge, chairs, bathroom, tv, and dresser. Nik starred at me for a moment, thinking about god knows what until he sped towards me. He was millimetres away from me, a piece of paper wouldn't fit between us.

"Loosen up eh? Fine then I'll loosen up." He swiftly picked me up and threw me on the bed. He began tickling me mercilessly.

"Stop please! You don't need to loosen up! You're perfectly loosened!" I begged, trying to get him off.

"What was that? You want to be tickled?" Nik pretended not to understand me.


"Alex!!" Before Nik could do anything else I kissed him to catch him off guard. He immediately stopped tickling me and I flipped him over. I just got up and walked into the bathroom, leaving him sitting astonished.

"You can't just do that, love!" He yelled at me from the bed. I could practically hear his pout and arm cross.

"I'll do whatever I damn well please." I responded sassily from the bathroom. I could practically hear Nik's eye roll.

"Love, what do you want to eat?" Nik asked me the second I stepped out of the bathroom.

"A cute football player would be nice." I responded as I grabbed one of Nik's shirts to wear to bed. Nik only rolled his eyes at me.

"Pizza delivery guy it is." He muttered under his breath as he dialled the pizza man. I quickly changed my clothes as he's on the phone. He had already seen me naked, why should I bother going to the bathroom to changed?

"Hey can I get a pep- holy shit!" Nik looked over at me as I was only in my bra and underwear while holding his shirt, getting ready to put it on.

"You good Nik?" I asked mischievously, he only glared in return before he finished ordering us a pizza. He threw the phone aside before looking at me in mock anger.

"I'm just dandy," he slowly walked towards me, taking in the sight of me in his shirt, "I see you still enjoy stealing my clothes."

"Always." I spoke, booping him on the nose. I walked over to the bed to watch some TV.

Nik's POV:
How the FuCk can she be so cute?!

Alex's POV:
Nik just stared at me for awhile. Probably planning how to compel me to forget him again. Okay, so I might not be over that yet.

"Nik, please stop starring at me. It's getting creepy." I asked him annoyed. He only grinned before he leaned down to kiss my forehead. Just when he made contact there was a knock at the door.

"Ooh I'll get it!" I jumped from the bed quickly. I swung the door open to see a cute 20 something year old guy holding my pizza.

"Well hello to you." I smirked slyly at him. He blushed while looking at my attire. No bra, no pants, just Nik's shirt that didn't quite cover my ass.

"O-one pepperoni pizza..." the guy trailed off. Nik came to the door, irritated with how long it was taking me to get the Pizza. The second Nik saw the guy starring at me he became the alpha male.

"Hey mate, eyes off. She's mine." Nik practically growled. The power pizza guy looked petrified.

"Nik shove it." I smiled and turned to the side to grab a twenty off the night stand, causing me to bend over. Revealing my panties to both men. I walked back over like nothing happened and gave the guy the money before taking the pizza. The guy stumbled away, Nik watching him closely.

"Food!" I squealed eating a slice of the pizza. Nik shut the door and looked at me with a disapproving stare.

"You can't just saunter around, showing off your ass!" Nik practically screamed at me. I only rolled my eyes, continuing to watch She's All That.

"Nik, please relax, nothing bad came of it." I rubbed his arm soothingly. He grunted in return. He got up and went to the bathroom to shower.

~~~Three hours later~~~

"Psst, I cant sleep." I whispered to Nik who was laying down, probably sleeping, on the other bed.

"Humph." Nik groaned but picked up the blanket as a way to invite me in. I jumped up and curled into him quickly to steal his warmth.

"We haven't done this since the early 90s" Nik spoke in my ear. He pulled me tighter to his chest.

"I love you, even if it's been almost 20 years since I've last seen you." I mumbled, slowly falling asleep in his arms.

"I love you too." With Nik's final words I fell asleep.

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