Chapter 6

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Alex's POV
I was running through the streets of San Francisco in the summer of '69. I was running from the most infamous serial killer in American history, the Zodiac Killer. There's a reason he didn't get caught, he was a vampire.

"You're fast little girl, but not fast enough!" He yelled at me, I was a newly turned vampire and Stefan was nowhere to be seen for help.

"Please leave me alone!" I screamed helplessly. I knew I was about to die for a second time. He only laughed at my fear. He had me backed into a dead end alleyway.

"Now, what do you think you're doing to this lovely little lady?" A charming British voice rang throughout the alley, startling both Zodiac and me. The man had blonde hair, tan skin, and gorgeous blue eyes.

"None of your business, now leave us alone." Zodiac practically screamed at him. The attractive man only smirked before appearing directly between Zodiac and me.

"I'm making it my business." He spoke loudly, startling the serial killer. Zodiac lunged forward but the British man deflected it and quickly ripped his heart out. I stood completely still, too shocked to move.

"Are you okay love?" The man asked me kindly. It only took me a moment of staring into his eyes for me to snap out of my shock.

"I'll be okay when I'm asleep in my bed," I replied, pausing for a moment before continuing, "thank you, for helping me."

"Oh it was no problem helping a damsel in distress like you." He laughed lightly. I cocked my head to the side with the whole 'damsel' thing, I knew I was in distress but I was no damsel.

"I'm not a damsel." I pouted before walking around him, out of the creepy alley and away from the dead body.

"Well you certainly were in distress." He swiftly followed me out of the alley. I rolled my eyes at his persistence.

"You can leave me alone now, I'll be fine on my walk home." I explained, trying to get away from him.

"From what I've seen tonight, you need somebody to keep the monsters away." He continued to walk by my side.

"I don't even know your name!" I threw my hands in the air out of annoyance. I just wanted to be left alone but people kept spoiling that plan.

"Niklaus Mikealson," he bowed mockingly, "and you are?"

"Alex Salvatore-Acula." I copied his joke by bowing.

"Strangely beautiful name for a strangely beautiful girl." He tried charming me, key word TRIED.

"It's as if I haven't heard that one before." I joked before vampire speeding away with Nik hot on my tail.


"Alex, wake up love."

"Alex we need to go."




"Fuck off." I groaned into my pillow, pulling the blanket over my head.

"No." The person behind the voice swiftly ripped the blanket off of me. I curled into the fetal position, trying to escape the cold.

"Please, I just wanna sleeeeeeeppppp." I whined but Nik wasn't having it.

"I will throw you into the car like this." I felt his hands on my sides, ready to pick me up.

"And let other guys see me this exposed? Bet." I replied coolly, earning a groan from him.

"Just get dressed so we can go kill some people, I'm hungry." He pouted before walking to the couch in the hotel room.

"Fine." I rolled out of bed, half asleep and wondering what year it was. I ambled into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

"Nik, can you bring me a towel please?" I called from the shower. Hoping and praying that he was still in the hotel room.

"Nik?"I got no response. "Well fuck a duck."

I slowly walked out of the bathroom and began searching for my towel, which wasn't an easy feet when I was covered in water and freezing cold. I cheered when I finally found it, wrapping it around my body snuggly. The small towel barely covered my ass but it did it's job.

"Aw, I was enjoying the show." I heard a familiar voice from the doorway. I quickly turned to see a smirking Marcel.

"What in the hell are you doing here? Why are you here? How are you here? When did you get here?" I fired question after question, not giving him time to answer.

"Woah woah woah, slow down Doc." Marcel put his hands up quickly.

"I just came to check up on you, I see you're doing pretty fine though. Even if you are shacking up with an original." Marcel gestured around the room.

"There's a story behind that for another time but right now you need to leave, if Nik sees you in here while I'm in a towel, you're a dead man." I panicked, trying to save my friend.

"I'm already dead." Marcel replied sarcastically.

"Oh fuck you." I flipped him off, pushing him out the door.

"Please." Marcel delivered one last dirty joke before I slammed the door.

"Leave now!" I yelled, knowing he was standing on the other side.

"Oh fine. Call me!" And he was gone.

I pushed myself off the door to begin getting dressed for whatever Nik had planned. Probably murder.

I pulled on a green sweater and ripped black skinny jeans, comfy but edgy.

"Hey Love, ready ?" He barged into the room as I was pulling the sweater over my bra.

"Now I am," I grabbed my phone, "where are you going?"

"Someplace cool." I rolled my eyes at his vagueness.

"Wow that helps so much thank you." I patted his shoulder while walking past him to leave. We walked down to his car, leaving our stuff in the hotel so we obviously weren't going far.

"Oh no problem, it's what I'm here for." Nik retorted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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