Chapter 3 part 2: Getting to know the Freak duo

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Your POV
After Kageyama-kun pass out, I ask the team if theycan help me carry him to the clinic. Let's just say...Tanaka and Nishinoya came as quickly as possible to me and help me get him to the clinic. Hinata come with us as well because he is worried about Kageyama [OMG Yaoui everyone!!!!, sorry]. When we get there, the nurse asked as what happened and I tell her the story. The nurse has pink hair and honey orange eyes with glasses. [It is my oc, imagine her with a nurse outfit.]

She told us that her name is Kimoto,Hashiko, but just call her Hashi-nii

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She told us that her name is Kimoto,Hashiko, but just call her Hashi-nii. She helped us put Kageyama in a bed and we put an icebag on his head so the head ache that maybe caused the volleyball can eased a bit. After that, Tanaka and Nishinoya say their good bye's bcoz they need to go practice but Hinata stay. He said that he wont go to practice if Kageyama would not toss to him. Sigh, this kid.

Hinata's POV
Tanaka-senpai and Nishinoya-senpai ledt the clinic. So that means its just me, (Y/N)-san, and an unconcious Kageyama. Hashi-nii left awhile ago bcoz of some 'problems' is what she said. I look at (Y/N)-san 'I wish she can treat me like that when we get together...wait what?' I blushed at my thought and look away so she cant see it. I will admit that im jealous becoz Kageyama has (Y/N)-san's whole attention bcoz he got hurt. 'The King cant even recieve a normal toss from Suga-senpai. What's special to that huh (Y/N)-san? You really need to focus on me and not him!' [OMG im making Hinata a yandere!] I thought and Huff. I think (Y/N)-san notice becoz she turned to me, looking confused. "Is something wrong Hinata-kun?" She asked. I blushed and shake my head repeatedly. "n-nothing at all (Y/N)-san! I-Im just thinking..." I said. She gave me an unsure 'Ok' then look at Kageyama. I just sighed and look at Kageyama and well to see him slightly waking up.

Kageyama's POV
I started to become concious just to feel pain in my head...'It hurts...' I thought. I didnt feel it before but now I do...two pairs of eyes are watching me. I openned my eyes just to close them back bcoz of the bright light. 'Where am I? Its not the gym so where?' I thought. Once I get used to the light, I openned my eyes fully to see (L/N)-chan and Hinata dumbass looking at me. I blushed out of embarrasedment and look away. "What are you guys looking at?" I ask them slightly rudely. They look at each other then back at me then i felt to pairs of arms hugging me. "Your Ok!" shouted both of them in sync. I just rolled my eyes and try to sit up but felt my head being shot by Immense pain. (Y/N)-chan pushed me down on the bed carefully before saying, "You shouldnt get up. Hashi-nii says your headache will become worse if you get up. She also told us that you can just stay here in the clinic until your headache is gone." I look up at her and then nodded. 'So she carry all the way to the clinic just to help me? How nice and caring of her' I thought while blushing. I look up to see Hinata glaring at me. I just gave him my infamous smirk while (Y/N)-chan wasnt looking. 'He's impression is so amussing! Wait...if he is glaring at me bcoz (Y/N)-chan is worried about me then...Does he like her?' I thought while unconciously grinding me teeth..

Both Hinata and Kageyama's POV
'Oh Its on. Best Man Wins...'

Your POV
'What the actual hell is going on to them?' You thought

Sorry!!!!!! But I have to!!!!! There will be A Part 3 I promise!!!! Its just 9:24 in the evening and I cant think straight bcoz im tired!!!! Sorry!!!! Sayonara [bye]!!!!!

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