Chapter two

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"OH NO! I'M LATE!" Both of us said in shock, forgetting about what happened and the guy hop to his bike and paddle while I started to run as fast as I can to school.

Wow, What a wonderful First day this will gonna be..


||Your Pov||

This is the first or maybe I just forgot, that I ran so fast in my whole life like your life dependends on it. When I got to my new school, Karasuno High School, I walk in calmly (LIKE A BOSS! Sorrynotsorry) not noticing how deserted the way to the building is.

I am thinking about going to the principals office, so I make my way inside the building...







Ok I'm lost. First day of school, and I am already late AND lost. A PERFECT combination.

While walking, I started to think about those anime I kept watching and how some are similar to what is happening to me right now. I then think about how in the reverse harem animes,The girl is lost inside the shool building on the first day of her school year and then suddenly bump into a handsome guy.

I snorted. 'yeah right. That is just some cliché things that always happen to hook the people' I thought. Those just happen in animes, that will NEVER happen to me.EVER.....then guess what happen...


"Tsk. Watch where you're going." said someone. I look up to see a lamp post--I mean a blonde guy with glasses and has a glare that can scare a mouse. But guess what blondie? I no scared of ya because I no mousie mouse!

I glared back at him, not noticing that he has company, and said in a saddistic voice.

"Mind saying that again, you scruffy excuse of a human lamp post?"

Ok, dont get me wrong. Im not normally like this...But this--this BLONDE is getting in my NERVES...

The lamp post look at me, before walking onwards, passing me. "Tsk, dont get in my way next time, chibi-chan"

What did he just say to me?! Excuse ME but even if my height is (your height) [Please make your height not taller than tsukishima, if your taller, imagine yourself shorter than him, but please not NEAR his height, like an inch shorter...-Sky] but I can still kick your BUTT!

"A-Ano...Miss...?" Someone said. I look at where the voice is coming from to see a guy with green, or a darker shade of green hair, with freckles.

I look at him confuse as to why he is giving me an apologetic look.

"G-Gomenasai(Sorry) about T-Tsukki..." He said.

I look at him, shock for 2 reason. (1) He is apologizing for his supposedly 'friend' and (2)........HOW CAN THAT A-HOLE BE FRIENDS WITH SUCH A CINNAMON ROLL AS THIS GUY!?!

"A-Ahhhh i-its ok! Y-you dont have to apologize for that As--I mean..."ffrrrrriiiiieeeeennnndd"....yeaahhhh..of yours..." I said, sarcastically saying the "friend" part and imagining quotation marks in my head. But it seems he doesnt realize that..

He looked at me confuse for a second, but then smiled at me...

'such innocence...must protect...' I thought, but then shake the thought out. 'WHY AM I LIKE THIS'

"A-Ano Watashi wa Yamaguchi,Tadashi desu! (My name is Tadashi Yamagichi)" He introduce himself.

"Ehe, Watashi wa (L---" "Yamaguchi, Let's go" "AHHHHHH GOMEN TSUKKI"




"That dumb bastatd" I said to myself, grumbling incoherent word.

(Sorry guys! I can only make short chapters! And sorry for the super duper huper cooper of a late update!!)

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