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In the morning, Belle got dressed 1 hour before dawn and went down to training grounds. The battle school apprentices started 2 hours ago, and they were all red in exhaustion. She leaned against the gate leaning forward and spotted Horace within seconds. He was in the lead of the obstacle course they were doing. She waited until they finished and Rodney called for a break. Belle called out to Horace and he made his way to her. Belle took a deep breath while she waited for him to come to her. Then, once she reached him she climbed over the gate. She let out a shaky breath grabbed both of his hands.

"Horace..." she said, her voice breaking and totally uneven. "I'm so sorry for last night, I was wrong to speak to you like that but.... Last night I realised something, something that you're not going to like..." she let that all sink in and took a long depressing breath "I don't have feelings for you anymore and I want to end things between us" As soon as Belle said the words, Horace let go of Belle's hands and felt tears streaming down his cheeks

"So that's it, you just suddenly don't like me anymore" he said. Belle sighed

"Well it was sudden but it is for a very good reason" She said. Horace shook his head not believing what he was hearing.

"So what happens now?" he asked "What's going to happen now, will we still talk?" he asked. Belle shrugged

" I guess, I still want to be friends with you but I just don't have strong feelings for you anymore" she said. Horace had his head hung down and abruptly he looked up.

"Why so sudden?" he asked. Belle hoped that he wouldn't ask but she couldn't lie to him.

"I have realised that I have feelings for someone else" she said. Horace furrowed his eye brows

"Who?" he asked. Belle didn't answer, afraid to say anything. Horace repeated his question in a louder and clearer voice "Belle, Who?" Belle didn't dare to look in to Horace's eyes, but stared at the dead grass they were standing on

"Will..." she mumbled. Horace took a step back in surprise

"Will!" he yelled in anger and brushed his hand through his hair angrily, ruffling and messing it up. "Well I should have known!' he said and wiped his tears with his muddy sleeve dirtying his face instead of cleaning it.

"Horace I-" Belle started but Horace exploded in anger, cutting her off

"I don't care! I can't believe you! And you expect us to still be friends? Well you're dreaming!" he shouted making all the battle school apprentices stop and stare.

"Horace! Please calm down, I'm still trying to figure this out myself, I don't understand this as much as you do!" she yelled back

"Oh, well let me make this nice and easy for you to understand, we're over and done so you can play Romeo and Juliet with Will while I'm cast off to the side!" he yelled

"Horace, you don't understand" Belle said in a calmer voice trying to get him to calm down, but he didn't,

"No, I understand quite well, so how about we just keep our distance from now on!" he yelled and stormed off kicking some sticks that were lying in the grass blocking his way toward the dormitory.


It was an hour before noon when Arald, Rodney, Belle and the troops (including Horace) caught up with Will and Halt. Horace rode along-side Rodney, Then Belle was forced to ride along-side Horace. Then, Baron Arald on the other side of Belle. Arald tried to start conversation by saying how the snow fall might hold off until the boar is hunted down and killed, then Horace and Belle started fighting over how cold it was

Halt's Ranger Apprentices- John Flanagan Ranger Apprentice fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now