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Belle had ridden through the night and into morning, when she reached Redmont. She debated whether to stop or not, but by the looks of Beauty, she needed a good hour's rest.

Belle unmounted Beauty and unsaddled her. After that, a stable hand offered to look after Beauty. Belle, at first wasn't very happy, but as she was making her decision, her eyes drifted from the stable hand, and in to the distance, to find her father riding on his battle horse. Belle felt the anger rise in her, and quickly let the stable hand to tend to Beauty.

Belle stormed out of the stable, her eyes not leaving the tall, masculine figure. Duncan seemed to see her when she was half way to him, and unmounted. Belle clenched her fists, she wasn't really planning on punching her father, although it would be satisfying, but Belle knew better to not do anything too ghastly in public for any eyes to see. Duncan stride to Belle, his features covered with sorrow and guilt. Once Belle and Duncan were in arms reach, her anger had reached boiling point. She opened her mouth to yell at him, but before she made any such movement, he covered her mouth with his hand.

"Before you start yelling and start screaming at me again, would you let me explain?" Duncan said, his voice failing to cover up the sadness.

Why was he so sad? Belle thought. Then, after considering her father's words, she slowly nodded. Duncan then, gestured to the castle. "Let's get some privacy, shall we?" Duncan led the way in to the castle, where a maid led them to a small dining room. It was nothing special, just an oak table, with chairs to match. There was also a small glass chandelier hanging right above the centre of the table. Belle and Duncan took their seats, and Duncan wasted no time.

"In the past, I have lied to you, treated you wrong, dictated you and you haven't deserved one bit of it. Annabelle, the reason I gave you up, was because you didn't deserve me. You deserved someone who treated you like a true daughter, who made you laugh, smile and who gave you a happy life. So, when your mother died, I couldn't think of myself making you happy, because I was responsible for her death," Duncan paused, checking Belle's features, to see if she was going to react, but Belle simply kept her eyes down on the oak table with a mutual face. So, with that, Duncan carried on, " I loved you so much, and I still love you so much. So, when you say that I don't love you, it really hurts, Annabelle. It put's tears to my eyes to hear you say that. And, it also put's tears in my eyes when I see you sad because of me, because that just proves that I give you a horrible life." Duncan stopped and quickly wiped his eyes from the moisture that was threatening to come out of his eyes. That's when Belle looked up, tears forming in her eyes.

"Dad, I love you too, and I'm sorry I hurt you. But, it's hard to know that your own father gave you up. It breaks my heart. You don't give me a horrible life, it's not your fault that we're royals. But..." Belle sighed, dreading about what she was about to say, because she knew it was truly going to break Duncan's heart. "I meant what I said before, I don't want to be queen, I don't want the throne. I just want to be a ranger who has a family. And, I'm still going after Gilan, Halt and Will. I would go to hell and back for them, and I'm not going to leave them face death with out me by their side. If they go down, I'm going down with them." Duncan's eyes were filled with fear.

"No, Belle! No! I'm not letting you!" he yelled raising from his seat as he said this. But Belle simply shook her head.

"Dad! I'm apart of the Ranger's Corps, and they are apart of it as well. This is what I have been training for, this is what I want and you can't stop me!" Belle said. Then, before Duncan could reply, she added, in a much calmer voice, "Look, I love you so, so much, but I love them too! And-" Belle stopped in mid-sentence, realising what she just said. And, that's when it hit her.

Annabelle loved Will.

"HOLY WACKERMOLY!" Belle yelled, her realisation dawning on her. Duncan gave her a puzzled look. But, Belle didn't even notice, she was too much in shock. That was when she realised that now she really had to go after Halt Gilan and Will. Belle, then quickly turned to her father. "Dad, I'm going whether you like it or not. Nothing can stop me, nothing ever will, so if you'll excuse me, I must go" Belle said in a rush. Duncan was still puzzled about what just happened before, but his puzzlement soon changed to concern as he realised Belle was going no matter what. He tried to think of an explanation to stop her form going, but he knew his daughter, and nothing was stopping her.

Duncan quickly grabbed Belle by the arm, as she almost walked out of the room. Belle turned her bright brown eyes on him. Duncan felt his heart melt that she was about to face her possible death, but there was nothing her could do. "At least let me ride with you until we get to The Ruins Of Gorlan. That way, we can talk father to daughter. Then, once you get to The Ruins Of Gorlan, I'll leave you and you can make your way tot he Solitary Plains." Duncan gave Belle a hopeful look, and after considering his words, Belle nodded.

They both packed their things, on their horses, even though there wasn't much, and left Redomnt.

But, little did Belle know, that as she left, Will was just entering Redmont to report to Arald and Rodney to tell them about the Kalkara in The Ruins Of Gorlan, which was where Belle was heading straight for.

Maybe Belle was going to face the Kalkara sooner than she thought.

And little did Belle know, that it would be a near certain fatal move.

Is this the end for Annabelle?


Haha, but if you kill me, you will never know what happens, so I guess you're stuck with me.

Love you all, even if you do have death wishes against me!

sorry for the short chapter, but I actually did this update early, so be happy!(:


P.S- I think I'm RRREEEAAAALLLYYYY HYPO!! haha lol!

don't you think how it's funny when, when I write stories I'm like: Hey guys, you guys are so cool, l love you!

but when I'm not writing and just texting my friends, I'm like: heyyyyy guyzz u guyzz r so coooooollll I luv ya!



Halt's Ranger Apprentices- John Flanagan Ranger Apprentice fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now