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Belle managed to get dressed into some comfortable black leggings, a green T-shirt and her mottled ranger cloak. Her double-scabbard, bow and quiver were laid carefully on a mahogany table. Belle took them, belting her double-scabbard around her waist, wincing a few times, her arm throbbing from the sudden movement, since apparently she had been unconscious for over a week. She slung her quiver of arrows over her shoulder and carried her bow in her hand. She walked out of the room, to find Duncan standing at the door waiting. The rest of the group had been eating downstairs, waiting for Duncan to allow them back up, after the talk with his daughter. They all knew that he was going to release Belle from her ranger duties, since Duncan had informed them a few days previous, explaining why Will looked so upset while leaving the room. Belle smiled up at her father and the made their way back down stairs. Belle couldn't help but smile the whole way down the stairs to the dining area. She had been able to persuade her father to let her keep her apprenticeship and she was starting to think that maybe she wasn't such a bad diplomat. When the entered the dining area room, everyone stood up from their chairs they were sitting on and stared at Belle waiting to see an explosion of anger or any sign of sadness, since all they knew was that Duncan wasn't letting Belle resume her ranger duties. Belle returned a smile to all the expecting faces and couldn't help but laugh

"You guys didn't honestly think I was going to let Duncan fire me from being a ranger did you?" she said still smiling. Will was the first to smile back

"You're still going to be a ranger?" he said and Belle nodded

"Of course!" she said. Everyone smiled and they all began to hug Belle, happy that she was alive an that she was continuing her apprenticeship. Belle hadn't felt happier. She had a father, a sister, was an apprentice ranger, had two best friends(Horace and Will) and had everyone she loves surrounding her.


They had all gone to the private living area and enjoyed themselves. It was a last minute decision, but they thought that they should do something to celebrate Belle's survival. Belle was sitting on a couch, Will and Horace either side of her. They talked for about an hour, Horace and Will filling in the details about what happened while Belle was unconscious, mentioning that they had become good friends. Belle was over the moon when she found out and she couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the time. Horace had gone off to the table where Rodney and Halt were talking, after Rodney signalled him to come over. They were probably talking about battle school training, Belle guessed. That left just Will and Belle. They talked about their day off the next day, since Halt had said they earned it from the boar incident.

"It's going to feel weird not doing any ranger training for a whole day" Belle said. Will nodded in agreement and grabbed a chip on a platter laid out on a short coffee table in front of the couch they were sitting on. Will chewed and swallowed it in seconds and turned to face Belle.

"How about  we go out for lunch tomorrow, just us two" he said. Belle noticed his shaky tone and knew that it was probably nerve-racking to ask her out to lunch. Belle couldn't help a broad grin spread across her face

"Are you asking me on a date?" she asked. Will stared at the floor boards and shrugged, he cleared his throat nervously and started mumbling

"Well, um you...You could say...uh...well you could call it that" he managed to splutter out. Belle giggled and Will looked up from his nervous gaze on the floor and in to Belle's eyes, hoping beyond hope that she would say yes. "So...Do you want to?" he asked. Belle kept her grin on her face and nodded

"Yes, I would like to go out with you for lunch" Will smiled and felt butterflies fly around in his stomach. Then, they didn't speak, they just stared in to each other's eyes making Will suddenly get the urge again to kiss Belle, then a loud cackle of laughing interrupted the moment. Not tonight, Will thought.

*Sorry for the short chapter but I promise the next one will be a great chapter! Can't wait to write it, I'll update ASAP!!(:

(Still chapter twenty-eight)

It was an overcast day, but it didn’t stop Will and Belle from having their picnic in the middle of the woods. 10 minutes was left until they had to meet up at the cottage. Will had gone to Horace’s Dormitory to get ready, letting Belle have the whole cottage to get ready, with Halt there, helping as much as he could but Belle normally stayed in her room with her door closed. Once it got to 5 minutes before Will should be there, Halt managed to convince Belle to come out of her room and show him what she looked like. Belle slowly opened the door and Halt felt a tear in his eye. Belle hadn’t dressed up or even made an effort to look good (even though she always did). Belle was wearing her hair down, which she hadn’t done in years. Belle had normally had her hair in a bun, pony tail or plait, even when she slept. Belle didn’t hate her hair, but she always was doing something important and her hair always got in the way. Today, Halt thought, was the perfect occasion to wear it down. Belle wore a clean pair of black jeans, which was very rare for Belle, since all her clothes usually had dirt or some sort of stain on them. She wore lace up boots that went up to halt way up her calf. Then, Belle wore a beautiful, white-laced singlet. She was beautiful.

“Wow…” Halt managed to say. He was speechless. Belle couldn’t help but blush.

“It’s not too much is it?” she asked straightening up a crease in her singlet. Halt shook his head and wiped the tear that was about to slid down his cheek. Belle went over to him and hugged him

“Don’t cry, Halt I’m still your little girl” Halt laughed.

“Yeah, you’re just more strong-willed that’s almost unbearable.” They both laughed when a knock at the door interrupted the moment. Belle let go of halt and stood frozen. She checked the time and it was right on 12:00pm, right on time. Halt patted her back.

“Well come on, Squirt”  Belle smiled at him, she surprisingly missed being called Squirt. Halt opened the door. Belle stood behind Halt, out of view from Will.

“Are you ready?” he asked Will. Will smiled widely at his mentor and nodded. Halt sighed and moved out of the doorway to let Belle exit the cottage and be in full view of Will. Will’s jaw dropped and he went wide-eyed. Beautiful, pretty, amazingly pretty AND beautiful and very attractive, those were all the things Will listed in his head. He didn’t realise his mouth was hanging open until Halt leaned forward and shut it for him. Will went red with embarrassment, and realised that Belle was blushing. Then, he realised that there was a long silence. Will took several seconds to get himself back together and cleared his throat.

“You look beautiful” Will smiled at Belle. Belle’s face went a dark red ad she couldn’t help but smile back. Halt did a fake cough to get their attention. They both looked at him.

“Well, remember your curfew is 3:00 sharp and no further” Halt eyed the two kids seriously and they both nodded in unison. Halt smiled. “Right, well off you go” Halt said in a defeated tone. Belle knew that it was hard to send off the closest thing he has to a daughter. Halt stood on the veranda and watched the two walk together and disappear behind all the trees.

Halt's Ranger Apprentices- John Flanagan Ranger Apprentice fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now