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"Hey are you ok?" Lamelo waves his hands in front of my face. "Yea I'm fine." I smile instead of insulting him like I would normally do. I was zoning in and out of my thoughts thinking about what zo had told me earlier today. We were playing 2k in Lamelo's room, while I "watched"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm just a little bored that's all." I wasn't lying because I can only play the game for so long and I haven't done anything besides work out.

"Well I'm sorry that we're not entertaining you" Gelo sarcastically apologizes. I give out a small sigh,"There's nothing to do in this stupid town."

I never really missed my old home until it came down to moments like this. There may not have always been something to do,but my friends and I always found something.

"Do you want to come to this party with us tonight?" Gelo finally finishes his game. "Our friend Don is throwing it for us."

"Why would he throw a party for y'all? And why on a Monday?"

"Because this weekend gelo is moving into the dorms and I'm moving into my condo to be closer for practice."

I knew that they'd have to leave,but I didn't expect it to be this soon. "I can't just go to a party I wasn't invited to." I didn't even know this Don guy, or anyone really.

The boys laugh at me,"If people only went to parties because they were personally invited,then there wouldn't be any good parties." Lamelo laughs at me.

" I mean I guess." I get up grabbing my keys,"I'm gonna go and ask my parents. I'll text one of you if they say yes." I get up making my way out the room.

Before I left the house, I made sure goodbye to Mr. And Mrs. Ball. I walk a short distance to my home, and see my parents' cars in the driveway. "Hey guys I'm home!" I yell as I walk inside.

"Hey sweetie how was lunch?" My mom was working on dinner.

"It was good," My mind goes back to the thought of Lamelo possibly liking me."Where's dad at?" Wherever you saw my mom, my dad wasn't too far away.

"He's taking a nap why?"

"Well.....I kinda wanted to ask if I could a party." I trailed off.She gives me a puzzled look,"When?"



"At someone's house I think."

"With you?"

"The boys." That was a dumb question to ask because they were the only people I knew.

"Why do you wanna go?"

"To have fun and hopefully make new friends." She stays quiet deciding whether or not she should let me go."Is your room and bathroom cleaned?" She raises an eyebrow.

I smile already knowing her answer,"Yup." You can't just leave the house or even ask to leave, without cleaning something.

"I want you back here by one."

"Thanks mom!"I hug her before running up to my room. Both my parents were reluctant to let me be out late,but my mom always allowed me to stay out later than normal.

I take a shower,and comb through my hair while in it. This made doing my hair easier and faster. I sing along to my music and try to create an outfit in my head. I want to look nice but not too nice for a simple house party.

Anything can happen tonight,I could meet potential best friends or maybe even a future boyfriend. Which probably won't happen,but still;anything could happen.

Once I can finally visualize what I'm gonna wear I get out the shower. I use my microfiber towel to dry my hair and put some shea moisture in it. I hear the sounds of popcorn signaling that I got a text.

Aye are you going?

Yeah. When are you guys coming

We're leaving at 8:30 so be ready witcho cute ass😘

Don't get kicked in the balls

I put my phone down,going back to getting ready for the party. It was currently 8:10,so I had to hurry up. I lotion up before putting on my clothes and wait downstairs for the boys.

I was sitting on the coach when I hear my dad ask,"Where are you going?"

"Mom said I could go to a party with the boys tonight."I was a little worried right now because my dad was semi strict.

"She really said yes?"

"Yea,so I can meet people I'll be going to school with."My parents are very protective so my dad was in shock when my mom said yes.

"You're going with the ball boys?"

"Yes."He sighs rubbing the side on his forehead,"Honestly I don't feel that comfortable with you with them all the time."

"Why not?"I was confused as ever. I do spend a lot of time with them,but it we were always supervised. "They're nice young men,but you're my little girl and I don't want anything to happen to you."My dad pulls me into a hug.

"They are nice and nothing will ever happen,we're all just friends."I leave his embrace,"I gotta go now,love you dad." I walk outside to see the guys waiting on me in gelo's car.

"You seem...tense.Is everything cool?"Zo looks at me as I hop in."My dad was just making sure I was gonna be ok.No big deal." I put on my seat belt as we take off.

I tried to ignore the feeling,but during the drive I could feel someone watching me.I turn over to Lamelo who sure enough was staring at me."Can I help you with something?" I said with a hint of attitude.

"No my bad."He apologizes shaking is head,"It's just that I've never seen you in actual clothes before."He looks me up and down,although I wasn't wearing anything really special.

I smile at the realization that he's only seen me in work out clothes."I don't just own shorts and Nike shirts."
He laughed at my comment,"I know,but you look nice.Thats all."I feel my cheeks go warm."Thanks melo." He gets surprised at the fact that I called him Melo instead of his full name.

"You don't look to bad yourself."I wink at him. He wore red polo,chains,black jeans and some Jordans.His curls were defined and his overall appearance was looking good.He was a cool dude,I don't know why I give him a hard time.

We finally pull up to a house that has loud music and teenagers hanging around.I don't know anyone,so tonight should be...interesting.

Hey guys,I thought I'd have hella time to update in vegas but I was wrong. I had to sell my summer league tickets but I did go to the meet and greet today. THEY HAD ME SO MESSED UP! I was waiting in line,and zo melo gelo and lavar didn't show up till like an hour after they let people go. Plus they were letting hella people go in front bc they either had babies or were picked to be shown in their tv show ig,which pissed me off. And they were only signing BBB merch. I didn't wait in line after all,bc when lonzo left I was walking RIGHT BY HIM. I'll try to post the video on here,but that honestly made my trip! But tell me what to want/think will happen at the party. Sorry this was boring I just wanted to update💗

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