Steal her man?

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This is for @lonzo2x and @razzyrae because they put 200+ comments on a chapter last night😂


"Just think about it Melo.I'm here at the game,Devin is here at the game,so basically we're here together."

He roll my eyes,"I'm pretty sure that's not how that works."I've been going on and on about the possibility of meeting Devin Booker.

"What should we have at the reception,chicken or beef?"

"Beef" Taylor and Gelo reply.Good to know some people are on board."Damn can he know you exist first?" Melo looks at me,but I was looking at pictures of wedding dresses.

"After this week he will," I flip my hair over my shoulder."Trust me."

"What about Don?"He smirks.

"I mean I guess I could invite him,but wouldn't that be weird?" Personally I think it's weird to have an ex at a wedding.

"So you'd leave Don for Devin?"

"Is water wet?" Don is fine,but Devin is god sent.


Everyone laughs at my response,"And a jail cell is just a room." Gelo says making us laugh harder."Well,he's just gonna have to catch this case."

We go back to watching the game and Lonzo was doing way better than he did yesterday.He was just nervous because it was his first game as an NBA player.

"LETS GO BABE!"Denise yells right in Melo's ear making him more agitated.

"Shut the fuck up damn."He groans until Taylor leaned on his shoulder.They talk amongst themselves and Lamelo ends it with a kiss.

They're cute or whatever but not as cute as me and my baby. Taylor and melo were laughing at who knows what and messing around. They were happy with together; it was stupid of me to think we melo and I could be something.

"To be honest,I thought that you and my brother would be together." Gelo says to me a little above a whisper.

"Well if we're being honest,I thought that too."

"For real?"He looked at me shocked with his mouth open and eyes wide."Yes but at the party I figured that they were a thing,so my feelings moved to Don."I shrugged

Gelo sighs shaking his head,"You can't take feelings for one person and put them into another. Love doesn't work that way."

We both watch the young men run up and down the court a few times,until he speaks again."If you got with Don because you couldn't be with Melo then you need to break up with him."

I simply nod and keep quiet.I didn't want to accept that as my reasoning of being with him.

I took out my phone so I could taking the conversation any further.I stared at my lock screen,admiring my boyfriend.

*Ignore the time and all that and just look at Don😻😂*

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*Ignore the time and all that and just look at Don😻😂*

Did I only get with him because I couldn't have melo?

"Wanna shoot with me real quick?"Melo asks me getting up from his seat.I didn't even notice second quarter ended already."Yeah let's go." I needed a distraction.

Lamelo gets a ball from staff member by the benches."Bet you can't make it from here." He was standing about five steps behind the three point line.

"Bet."He passes me the ball as I walk to where he was standing.I shoot the ball with ease and it goes in all net."Easy money baby!"

We get a few more shots up before returning the ball."Hey Lamelo!" A sexy ass voice calls out. I know that voice anywhere,"Oh my god you're Devin Booker." I say in total shock as the shooting guard approached us.

Him and melo talked about basketball but I was too shook to comprehend anything."What's your name? You're a really good shooter."

"D-D-Dominique. My name is Dominique and thank you that means a lot." I force out. He flashes a smile making me weak in the knees,"I'll be keeping an eye out for you."

Somehow during our small conversation, I found enough courage to ask for a picture. I was fangirling all the way back to our seats while melo was laughing.

Best moment of my life


"I'm so bored."Taylor complained."Girl me too." Since Lonzo didn't have a game today,they decided to have a meet and greet at the mall.

It was crazy to see how excited fans get for the the ball family.The line started in front of the store and ended outside.

Watching Lavar,melo, and Zo do their thing was cool, but I needed something to do.I tried talking to gelo but his annoying ass brought up the whole Don thing."Do you wanna go get something to drink?"

"I'm down." Taylor says and we leave the store.We aren't the best of friends but she's somebody I can chill with.

Once we get to the food court we buy lemonade and sit down.We talked basic things like school,the boys and other things like that.

"Dominique there's something I wanna talk to you about."

I don't know what she could possibly want."Ok what's up?"

"I don't really know how to put this." She wore a sad expression on her face but I was confused on why."I liked Lamelo since middle school. And now that I finally have him,I'm just asking you to let me have him for myself."

"Taylor I don't like him like that.We're just best friends." I knew what she was getting at but she was wrong.

"You don't need to lie dom."She huffs out a breath of air,"I see the way you two look at each other,the way you act,hell you're wearing his brand new shirt."

This morning I asked him if I could wear the new BBB shirt with his head on it. Obviously he said yes but I didn't see anything wrong with it.

"Just please don't take him even though you can."She wipes her eyes before tears had the chance to fall down. "I couldn't even take him if I tried."

She scoffs with a laugh,"Oh please,Dominique you're pretty,have a unique style,you play basketball and to top it off you are pretty. You don't need to try."

"I'm sorry-"

"No it's ok,just please let me be happy for a bit. Even though you're with Don, you could have anyone."

She cried a bit more before gathering herself,"I understand how easily you can take my man,but you don't know what he means to me Dominique."

It was sad to see her like this.Its even more sad that she's asking me not to "steal" her man.

She says I can take him, so why don't I?

So will Dominique drop Don and steal Lamelo from Taylor? Was gelo right about Her only getting with Don bc melo was taken?

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