The Secret

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After I talked to Taylor,everything just went left. She started to give me mean looks and make snarky comments.I have no idea why she switched up like that,but it wasn't gonna work with me.

For about two weeks,we constantly went back and forth with the stares and remarks. The boys were completely oblivious to the reason why we now dislike each other. All they know is that she isn't fond of me,and vise versa.

"Good work out today guys,we gotta get right for Vegas."Lavar leaves the garage where we were lifting weights."I'll be back."Melo follows his dad inside the house.

"I'm so tired."I groan

Phaquan scoffs,"Well if you weren't out with my brother all night,and not on the phone till three in the morning you wouldn't be tired."

"Shut up lil uzi." I laugh because he was so annoyed. I was always at their house and he was sick of it. It didn't help that me and daijon were always on FaceTime too.

"Stop calling me that."He throws a water bottle at me."leave my baby alone."Daijon throws the bottle back at his brother.We were all chilling for a few minutes until melo comes back.

"Hey guys Taylor is here."She walks in behind him. The boys all greet her while I stay quiet and mind my business.

"I don't know what's wrong with y'all,"Melo tries to break the slightly awkward tension"but I need my top two girls,besides my mom to get along."

"I'll do it for you,since I am your favorite out of us two." She kisses melo,keeping eye contact with me.

"Oh please,"I laugh at her,"You know who his favorite is,you said it yourself. Remember?"I give her smirk. It's not that I want to be his number one,but she sounds dumb.

How are you gonna say you're his favorite,but know he wants me?

Will,Brandon,Phaquan,Daijon and Lamelo were all confused. "What are y'all talking about?" Melo looks between me and Taylor.

"It's nothing.I gotta go,I'll see y'all later." I grab my phones and keys,walking out the open garage door.

As I'm walking down the drive way,I can hear footsteps after me."Babe what was that all about?"Don runs in front of me to make sure I stop walking.

"I said it was nothing."I try to go past him but he blocks me."No it wasn't so tell me."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"So it is something?"

"I said it was nothing so get out of my way."I go around him and walk into my house. I don't want to start drama and its making me mad that he's pushing the issue.

"Oh sweetie you're back." My mom was shocked to see me. I usually stay with the guys after working out,or they come here.

"Yeah I had to get away from Taylor."I huffed out in frustration.

"What happened now?"I told my mom everything that happened in Vegas.I don't tell my parents everything that goes on in my life,but I like to let them know some things.

"She always tries to make herself seem better than me. Especially around melo."

"Well is she better than you?"

I look at my mom like she's crazy,"What the heck no. Never in a million years,even when she tries she still has nothing on me."

My mom laughs at my response,"I know that and she does too. That's why she feels like she needs to compete with you.Just don't let her get to you."

Ever since I was little my mom made sure I was confident and happy with myself. "I'll try my best."I watch some tv until I get a text from Quan.

Chef boyardee🍽😤
I think you should come back over

No I don't want to talk to your brother rn

Chef boyardee🍽😤
Well he's about to kill your best friend so...

Wtf why?

Chef boyardee🍽😤
Just hurry up and get here!!!!!

I don't know what could possibly have happened in the short amount time I was gone. "Mom I'm gonna go next door."

"Ok remember what I said."She tells me as I head for the door. Right when I step outside,I can hear Don yelling."SO THIS IS WHAT WE'RE DOING NOW LAMELO?WE'RE MESSING WITH EACH OTHER'S GIRLS NOW?"

How did he find out?

What do you guys think happen between Dom and Melo?

How do you think Don found out?

Sorry it's a lil short I'll try to update later💗

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