Studio Session & Confession

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"Try it one more time." Daijon tells me through the booth. I told him everything about Melo, Ashley and Shareef, so we ended up making a song.

"I don't even sound good why are we doing this."

"You do sound good," he messed with some buttons,"And it's about telling your story. Getting things off your chest."

I walked out of the booth, "Let's stop, I don't want to waste any more of our time." I sat back down in my seat. He ignored me, and kept doing whatever he's been doing, "Listen to this."

The beat started to come in, grabbing my attention. "Aye I sound hella good." I laugh listening to me sing. "What did I tell you." He pauses the music.

"Thanks daij, I didn't know I needed to get this off my chest." I get up getting ready to leave. We walk outsider to my car, it was almost one in the morning.

"I'll do anything for you." He holds me tight. "I wish we could be together." I say against him.

"Whenever you break up with Melo we can."

"Yeah, but I don't want to look like a hoe." I look up at him, "We'd have to keep things lowkey."

"Like I said, I'll do anything for you." He kisses my forehead. "I gotta go break up with him now." I hold onto his body for a few more seconds.

Am I really going to end my relationship?

Daijon starts recording me on Snapchat, "Bye Daij." I wave goodbye as he keeps recording me walking to my car.

I hope this is worth it.



The whole night Monique has been mean mugging me. Her and Dominic were ready to kill; they had every right to. I got caught up with Ashley at the game, and I'm pretty sure they told Dominique.

I still could've kept all of this on the low, but this dumbass girl noticed Dom wasn't around, so she thought we could chill.

After the game, I tried to see if she was home, but she wasn't. Her mom said that she was hanging out with Daijon.

How the fuck is she just going to hang out with him?

It's hella late, and I'm just waiting for her to come home so we can talk. I went to Snapchat to see if she or Daijon had posted anything. There was only a video of Dom walking to her car, nothing suspicious.

Can we talk when you get home?

I guess. Come outside

I quickly put on some slides and run downstairs to go meet her. "It's too late for you to be running through here!" My dad yells, but I was already outside.

She was sitting down on the curb so I sat next to her,"Hey."

"Hey." She gave me a small nod. We sat in silence, watching the street, stars, doing anything but talking. We both knew what was about to happen.

"I've known for awhile. Almost two months." She said still looking forward. "Wait what?"

"I seen messages and found out that when you were "hanging with the guys" you were with her."

"Why'd you stay with me." If she knew for that long, why hasn't she left me yet.

She turned to me, tears down her cheeks. "At first I didn't want to believe, but eventually I said fuck that," she sniffed, "And fuck you."

"I didn't-"

"No don't give me that "I didn't mean to hurt you" bullshit because you did. I shouldn't even be this upset," She wipes her eyes, trying to get herself together. "because I fucked Shareef a few times."

"You cheated on me?!" I stood up, making Dom Do the same. "It happened earlier this week."

"How could you do this to me?" I know I did wrong, but so did she.

"How could you do this to me? You were my best friend LaMelo, I fucking loved you! And you just grew that all away." She cried some more.

"You don't think I feel the same way? I never been this serious about a relationship before."

"Well you must've not have been that serious because you cheated." She started walking towards her house. I grab her hand, "You do know I love you right?" I wipe her face as gently as possible.

She looked at me directly in my eyes,"You don't hurt people you love." Her voice was broken, and I've never seen her this way before.

"I'm sorry,I made a mistake. I'm new to this."

"Melo I can't be with you right now, I'm sorry."

"We can work this out."

"And us taking a break is working things out. Maybe we need to be apart to see what we really want. I just can be with you right now." She have me a tight hug and a small kiss, "But I'll always be there for you." She let go and walked inside.

I'm an idiot

Dom and Melo are officially done, and not cheating anymore

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