A wise man once said

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I posted my Lonzo book called Weekend,go check it out!


"Melo sweetie wake up."My mom gently shakes me."I don't wanna."I roll over in my bed."I made waffles and there's a surprise for you downstairs."

I ride up and groan,"I don't want waffles or the surprise."My mom chuckles,"Oh yes you do.Now let's go downstairs."She pulls me out of the bed and drags me down to the kitchen.

"Look its sleeping beauty."I heard Gelo's voice.

"Oh what the hell!"The sleepiness leaves my body when I see not only gelo but zo."We're home lil bro."Zo tackles me to the ground with gelo joining in.

It's been a whole month since I've seen both of them in person. I thought it would be fun living like an only child,but I was completely wrong.

"Boys don't break your brother."My dad says making them get off of me."Yeah we wouldn't want your girlfriend to get mad at us."Gelo and Zo snicker.

Taylor and I had finally made it official. I thought I like Dominique but o didn't want to put feelings into person who liked someone else. Plus Don was my friend,so I didn't want to get in the middle of that.

"I thought you and Dominique would get together."My mom says.

So did I

"I don't even like her like that."I scoff,"Besides Ive barely known Dominique for like a month."

"Let me tell you boys something,"My dad starts off,"Real love has no time frame. You could be with someone for 2 years and feel nothing but also be with someone for 2 weeks and feel everything.Always remember that."

I ate my breakfast silently thinking about what my dad had said. I've known Taylor since middle school and we've always been cool,with new feelings recently coming up. Dominique on the other hand was the new chill next door neighbor.

I feel like the smart decision is to be with Taylor. A girl I've known for year,versus a girl I've known for weeks.

"Are either of the girls coming tonight melo?" My mom snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Last time I checked they were." I told Taylor to come so she could meet my family,and Dominique said her family doesn't do anything so I invited her.

"Did you tell Quan,Don and O?" I didn't want to tell Don but you can't tell quan with telling Don.

"Yea they said that they'll stop by." I finish my food and go back to my room. I wanted to go back to sleep but I know my parents would just wake me up to help clean.

Tonight we were hosting a barbecue like we always do on the 4th. I was a little nervous with Taylor coming later on. My family and Dominique had to like her. Of course your family needs to be ok with your significant other,but I wanted Dominique and Taylor to be cool with each other because I spend a lot of time with both of them.

I grab my phone off the charger and FaceTime Dominique. She answers at the last ring.

"What the hell do you want melo?"

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