The birds and the bees

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I sat at the kitchen counter eating the breakfast my mom had made me. "Dom are you planning on doing anything today?" She asks me.

"Um I have to pack for the trip tomorrow." I was going with the ball family to Hawaii,so I had to make sure I had everything I needed.

"Yeah I actually needed to get a new bathing suit."

"Ok let me get my stuff and we can go right now."I put on my shoes and wait for my mom. "Let's go." We go outside and get in the car.

My mom was driving and I was listening to the radio,and texting melo.

"So how are you and lamelo doing?"

"We're doing good. In two days we'll be one dating for a month."

"Aw I'm glad your happy Dom." She smiles,"Have you talked to your brother lately?"

I sigh a bit,"Yeah,I just really miss him. I wish he was here."

"I know,but he wanted to stay."

"It's whatever." When my brother said he was going to stay I was so mad at him. He stayed with my aunt,uncle,and cousin.Leaving me to spend summer all by myself.

"Are you and melo gonna do anything for your anniversary?"

"I don't know if he has anything planned,but he better not forget it."We laugh. I don't care if we do anything special,and I just want him to remember.

My mom lowers the radio,"I want you to make sure you're safe."

"We'll be fine. We're gonna be with the family."

"Dom I mean you and melo. I don't want any grandkids." She says very seriously.

Ok ew I'm not trying to talk about this

"Mom I already know,"I shake my head,"Plus I have basketball to think about."

"I trust you to be smart,but you two are young and things happen."

"Don't worry you won't be a grandma for awhile." I laugh.

"Just be careful Dom,you and melo are going to have outstanding lives but a baby could mess that up." She tells me,"More you than him."

"I understand." I'm ready to give it up,but if melo and I have a kid everything I worked for will be gone.

My mom and I had spent about an hour shopping and we were almost done. "Mom I'm gonna try these on." I grab the three bathing suits I wanted to take on the trip.

I head to the dressing room and try on a cute blue one I had found. I was looking cute so I send a snap to melo. He opens it quickly and responds.

And I'm changing into the next suit I see what he says.

Bodak Melo🤘🏾
Why yo dumb ass wearing panties under the bathing suit bottoms

So I don't get a STD🤦🏾‍♀️
Bodak Melo🤘🏾
You can get an STD by trying on bikini bottoms?🤔

My baby has a lot to learn about life....



It was only me and Dom at my house and we were packing for Hawaii. Well Dom was packing my clothes and I was playing 2K. "Do you want to take this shirt?" I heard her ask.

"Yeah that's cool." I respond continuing to play. "Melo you didn't even look." She huffed.

"Yeah I did."

"No you didn't. I'm just trying to help you." I could tell she was getting annoyed so I paused the game. "I was already packed so I don't know why you're replacing the clothes I had in my suitcase."

"Because you're always wearing the same damn clothes."

No I'm not

"Okay and?"

"Ok and I don't want us to take pictures with your basic everyday outfits." She laughs while putting a few more clothes in the suitcase and zips it up. I go back to playing my game.

She comes to where I was at on my bed."Get off the game."Dom kiss on my neck,"Wait I'm boutta win right now." I stayed focus on my game.

"Cmon melo I'm bored." She plays with my hair like she often does. "Then grab a controller and take this L" I challenged.

Dom kissing on my neck again,"I'd rather do something else."She whispers in my ear.

Don't gotta tell me twice

I pay my thighs,"Come to daddy."She sits on lap,"Now gimme a kiss."

"You're annoying." She laughs,then puts her lips on mine. We stay kissing,and I slip my tongue in her mouth. "Mhm," She moans not breaking away.

I grab the end of her shirt,lifting above her head.I lay her back on the bed,then take off my own shirt. I kiss her one more time,"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Lamelo I'm-"

"Aye bro we're home!" Zo and Gelo barge in my room."AH!" They yell cover their eyes. I toss Dom her shirt and she puts in back on.

"Y'all seen me in a sports bra before calm down."She says.

"That was when you were playing basketball not when you were about to get some dick." Zo uncovers his eyes.

"Chill we weren't about to do anything." She gets up and walks right past them. "Dom where you going."I follow her down the stairs.

Looking down,she says in a low voice,"I have to go." She walks out the house leaving me confused.

Did I do something wrong? Were we moving too fast? Did I pressure her? Was she not ready?

I run after her outside,"Dominique I'm sorry if I pushed you."

"You didn't do anything Melo. It's me."

"I get it you're not ready. I respect that." I hug her and kiss the top of her head."I'll never make you do something you don't want to."

"No I'm ready," She trails off,"I'm just scared."

"I'm big,but I'm not scary big."I chuckle making her hit me in the stomach. "Melo I'm serious. I don't want any kids."

"Too bad because I'm gonna trap you into having my baby so I can always have you in my life." I try to kiss her but she moves out the way.

"Lamelo stop playing." I knew she meant business because she never calls me by my full name. "Ok I'm sorry."I apologize,"When the time comes we'll be extra careful."

"Thank you."She finally gives me and kiss. I was being serious about the baby thing,but that's a conversation for later.

What do y'all think is gonna happen in Hawaii?
Melo and Dom almost got it on but should they wait?

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