The Break Up

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"I'm Kiara,his girlfriend.Who are you?" I looked at the girl,she was about my height and was more on the thicker side than I was. I wasn't gonna lie she was pretty,I'm not surprised he likes her.

"That's crazy because last time I checked he was my man?"I look at don who was clearly shook.

She and her friends laugh,"Girl don't let Sza get you fucked up.My man is not your man."

I just ignore her because I wasn't gonna fight anyone over a boy,especially one who wasn't loyal."How could you do this?"

"It's not what it seems."

"Then what is it because she just said that she was your girlfriend.To me it seems like you're a cheater,but please explain." I could feel my body getting warm with anger.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Daijon don't play,you know you love me."Kiara steps up to me and don.

"I love good head,not you.'' The boys quietly chuckle at his remark.

"So this was just about sex?" I wanted to be shocked but boys are always doing shit like this.

"No we stopped fucking when we started getting serious."He confessed.

"Daijon don't act like we aren't always on and off."Kiara starts getting mad at him.

I stayed silent,not knowing what to say."I'm done.''

I walk out of the store,but don follows."So that's it?We're not gonna talk about it?"

I stopped walking,"Daijon we just talked about it."

"How are you gonna break up with me?"

"I think we rushed into this relationship." He stared at my face,trying to figure out if I was serious of not.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be that temporary girlfriend you have when you're on a break with her." I may not have been in a serious relationship before,but I knew this isn't what I wanted. I leave him and walk to car.

.I hear loud footsteps coming from behind me,"Dom wait!"Melo comes rushing with my bags.

"You left your stuff.''I was too mad to get my stuff don had."Thanks melon,"I smile at him"I can always count on you."

He stops walking,and gives me a hug."I'll always be here for you."

We put my stuff into the car and drove home.It was quiet for a bit until melo spoke up,"You're taking this thing really well."

"It's crazy because it's like I don't care."Melo stared at me as if I had gone insane.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like yeah I'm mad at what he did,but I'm not hurt."

Melo shakes his head laughing,"You're complicated."

Maybe me not being upset with don just shows that I didn't really want to be with him.Maybe gelo was right when he said I couldn't put my feelings for Melo into Daijon.

Ik this is short but I wanted to post a lil something before I do my homework.Next chapter they're gonna be in vegas.Will dom find her a new snack or will her and melo start messing around?

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