David, where do you start to describe David? Weird? Strange? Pathetic would be the answer if you asked him. He's kind, loving, nervous, nerdy and pretty interesting though it might not seem like that at first. This story will follow a group of teena...
"The son of the alpha of The Lunatics" Marcus bursts through the door with a small brown book with worn down covers. It almost looks holy, like a religious book used for guidance.
"That was confusing" I mutter, I hadn't been prepared to hear anyone talk, though I should have been waiting impatiently for Marcus to return, so I didn't really pay attention and therefore I don't know what he said and judging by the eager look in his eyes I won't understand a thing of what's coming next since I didn't hear the first part.
"What's that book?" I ask but I'm ignored my a slightly irritated Marcus.
"The son of the alpha of The Lunatics turned 14 about a year ago, it's a to big coincidence" Marcus shakes his head excited.
"What? I don't understand" I hate feeling stupid.
"When born female werewolves have their period for the first time they turn for the first time and males turn when they're 14" I nod but I still need more of an explanation so I wait for Marcus to continue. "When you turn for the first time you have an incredible blood lust, you want nothing but to hurt, maim or kill. There's no way of controlling it, not even if you're prepared. It's impossible" he sighs as if he remember his first full moon. I don't remember mine. Kyle says I killed a rabbit and ate it but I don't believe it.
"I didn't feel that blood thirst" I mumble feeling my cheeks flush. At least I don't think so. I add in my head.
"Bitten wolves are different" Marcus mutters but doesn't seem to want to explain further.
"What have you said to the doctors?" The words seems to just come by their own will and leave my mouth without my approval. Well, there's no taking them back and I actually want to know. I guess I have to forget for a moment how stupid this makes me look.
"Can't you ever stick to the subject?" Marcus sighs. "Don't you worry about it." I nod awkwardly and realise suddenly that I'm completely back to normal. How is that possible? Yes, I know the answer. You don't have to remind me. I'm aware. Very. Aware.
"How can you be so certain that it was the son of the alpha that bit me? Couldn't it have been anyone who didn't have control?"
"No, because the only werewolf I have ever heard of who goes for a bite over the heart is the alpha and he has control. I believe the habit, or whatever you wanna call it, might have been inherited by his son" Marcus explains and he makes it all sound reasonable, not at all insane like it actually is. It's all speculations and guesses.
"So what you're saying is that-" I hesitate and try to understand enough the explain it again like Marcus did before "the son of the alpha of the pack The Lunatics, who live in the woods where I went camping, might have been the one who bit me. And this theory you're basing on the fact that his 14th birthday was probably around the time I was bitten and that he might have inherited his favourite strategy to hurt people from his father?" It all seems crazy.
"Yup" Marcus says as happy as Emily is when she's solved a tricky math problem.
"God" I mutter then some wave of hopelessness hits me like a tsunami #edsheeranparalell #i #cant #spell.
And I don't get waves of missing you anymore They're more like tsunami tides in my eyes.
I feel a burning fear along with helplessness bigger than anything realistic. But then, when are feelings ever realistic and in proportion to what is actually happening? I have a feeling the answer may be as simple and complicated as never. Gosh I hate that word. Never. Like think about it, never ever. It's NEVER going to happen. Ever. Yeah I'm shivering, you? Back to topic.
"But what about the people who poisoned me?" I ask without caring about how the fear so obviously slips through.
"I don't know" Marcus rolls his eyes at me as if he has more important stuff to do.
"The whole restaurant was filled with this smell, like perfume too strong and bloom like. Could it have been the purple flowers on the tables?" I try to find useful details in my memory but judging by the look Marcus gives me I didn't do well.
"Are you stupid? Of course it was the flowers!" Marcus is pissed. I'm getting seriously worried about these mood swings. "What did they look like?" He sighs.
"Like flowers?" I'm sucking at this, I don't remember, I didn't even pay attention. There's one more sigh from Marcus as he plucks up his phone from the beside table (when did he put it there?) and shows me these pictures:
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"Yeah I think it was something like that" I honestly think so "I'm sorry I'm such a nerd wolf. I'm not cool at all, I can't even believe anyone would want to turn me into a werewolf. You'd think there were some qualities that you had to have but obviously not since I'm lacking in everything that might be important."
"You're not" Marcus awkwardly pets my shoulder and gestures for me to get up. We walk out of the room and slowly down a corridor filled with hurrying doctors and nurses, everyone to busy to notice the odd words exchanged between us. "You're smart, that's valuable so don't loose it" Marcus smiles slightly and for a second I think he might hug me but thankfully he doesn't. That would have been awkward.
"How do you loose your smartness?" I chuckle.
"You stop caring about it" Marcus shoves me calmly but determined out the door. Weird. He doesn't tell me to give him a call or anything if I've got more questions. Not that he gave me his number or anything but still you could have thought he would at least have been a little more helpful...or? Maybe this was all he knew. Anyway I'm not sure I would have wanted his advice and help, he seemed to be one of those people who make all the choices you wouldn't. Shit, crap! I forgot to thank him. I turn around to see if he's still there but obviously he's already gone. Ugh I'm so impolite. I don't try to be, I'm just not good with people.
I walk away from the hospital knowing a lot more than I thought I would ever know. I don't know how I figured I would always stumble around in the dark when it came to werewolf stuff but I certainly did. It felt as if I was alone carrying a huge secret, as if I was the only crazy, moon bound, lunatic (that pun is ruined now btw by The Lunatics who also have chosen a too dramatic name like come on), wolf man creature in the whole world. Now I know I'm not. But the knowledge has tickled my brain so that I now only want more like is knowledge was a drug. Maybe it is. Maybe it is a drug to me.
I try to see where I am reading at signs and stuff but it doesn't really help. I walk towards what looks like a gas station. It's always good to ask people right? But I don't want to. I'm so freaking shy I don't want to. Yes, I'm literally freaked out. Scared as hell.