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"No!" Olivia laughed smacking her best friend Bella on the arm as they walked into the brightly lit cafe that the group had decided on eating lunch at. "I am not actually getting a tattoo. Do you know what that wold do to my career? What if it turns out wrong or ugly? Then that shit is on me for life and I can kiss my-"

"Hmmm? I heard someone say kiss. If you wanted to kiss me Olivia you could have just asked I wouldn't mind." Olivia and Bella spun around and were greeted by the sight of a smirking Park Jimin walking towards them. She cracked a smile and walked in Jimin's direction wrapping him in a quick, friendly hug before backing away and flicking him on the head. "Owww! OLIVIA?! What was that for?" Jimin whined grabbing onto his head and pouting. She smirked and turned back to Bella, "Lets go find the others now." Bella covered her mouth trying to stifle a laugh, " Sounds good to me." she walked over to Jimin and ruffled his hair before following Olivia farther into the cafe.

Olivia, Bella, and a still pouty Jimin walked over to the table filled with the six other rambunctious boys. All six turned their heads when the saw the trio walking towards them big smiles spread across the boys faces. Jungkook and Taehyung even stopping their thumb wrestle to get up and quickly hug Olivia before going right back to their wrestle match. Bella walked over to the empty chair in between Jin and Namjoon instantly getting immersed into a conversation with Jin about what each had missed in the other's life.

Jimin rapidly got over his bad mood and walked over to Jungkook and Taehyung joining in their games.

Hoseok's smile widened as Olivia skipped over to the last empty chair positioned between himself and Yoongi. "Why do you look like that Hoseok? Your smile is almost falling off your face its so big." Olivia asked cracking a big smile herself. "Why would I not look like this? Olivia?! When was the last time I saw you? You've been swamped with work I feel like I can never see you!" Hoseok whined playfully. "Hobi, I could say the same about you, your dancing career is taking off you seem to always be at practice." Olivia joked playfully swatting Hoseok on the arm glancing at Yoongi as she did. "Why does he look so out of it?" She questioned looking back at Hoseok. "Speaking of being swamped by work, Yoongi might have it worst of all. He's up all night writing lyrics. He's trying to make an album by the end of the year and he's stressing his ass off about it." Hoseok said looking across Olivia over to an exhausted Yoongi.

Namjoon sat silently beside Bella observing the rest of his friends. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin all having a fight with the various utensils around them. Olivia and Hoseok laughing and joking around with each other. Yoongi staring off into the distance obviously trying not to fall asleep. And finally Jin and Bella seemingly deep in a conversation but Namjoon noticed that Bella wasn't paying much attention to what Jin was saying, her eyes seemed to wander the room and they kept going back and lingering to one specific person across the table. Namjoon looked across the table to where he had seen Bella stare a little longer than normal, there sat none other than Min Yoongi looking more attentive than he did a few moment earlier. He also seemed to be sneaking glances at Bella.

"What have you gotten yourself into?"  Namjoon muttered to himself, at that exact moment he locked eyes with Olivia scared that she had noticed what what was going on between Yoongi and her best friend. But what she did was the opposite of what Namjoon had expected. Olivia glanced back and forth between the two suspects before she looked back at Namjoon wiggling her eye brows before laughing at a joke Hoseok had told her. Namjoon's face contorted into one of confusion before he quickly masked it deciding to have a good time and not dwell on anything.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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