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Taelien posted a photo!

❤️liked by Kookster, JiminiesJams, and 7 million others

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❤️liked by Kookster, JiminiesJams, and 7 million others

@Taelien- Kookie you're the big 2 0!! You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember and before Bangtan was a thing Livia, you, and I were the definition of #squadgoals. Now that you've grown out of your teen years I think there's something that I have to tell you, I'm only friend with you so I can have a nap buddy. All jokes aside tho Kookie I love you and I hope your birthday is as amazing as it should be! ❤️
(Just because Livia posted hers before me doesn't mean she's the better friend it just means I put more effort into my post 😊)

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@UlzzangLivia- oh my god Tae I hate you

@LiviaLovesss- the shade is real 😂

@SeokJin77- WAHHHHHH

@Kookster- You're only my best friend so I could have a nap buddy too so 🙄🙄

@Kookster- but no, really I love you too Tae and I'm glad you're my best friend ❤️❤️

@aguSTD_useprotection- Olivia, I think Tae's post is better than yours

@JiminesJams- yea ^

@UlzzangLivia- you guys are r00d

@BangtanBois- QTs ❤️❤️❤️

@Your_Angel_JHope- you guys I'm literally so hype for later today


Two more chapters till Jungkook's birthday POV.

I feel like I'm hyping his birthday up too much and when I actually write it it's going to be shit and you guys are going to hate me.

Oh well I already hate myself soooooo

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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