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❤️liked by JiminiesJams, UlzzangLivia, Taelien and 12

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❤️liked by JiminiesJams, UlzzangLivia, Taelien and 12.4 million others

@NARI_useprotection- he's cute, I'm lucky as hell, damn boy.
👤 @JiminiesJams

View all 12.2 million comments

@UlzzangLivia- it's our first night in France and where do they choose to go? A Korean restaurant

@SeokJin77- HEY, we're here for a while cut us some slack Olivia

@BangtanBois- ugh too cute

@JiminiesJams- nah, you have it wrong Lil. I'm lucky as hell.

@Kookster- BLECK

@GoldenKook- me too ^

@RappMonstaa- damn boi wut else dat mouth do?


@Namjin4Lyfe- Jin gonna smack him

@RappMonstaa- neverrrrrrrr

@Your_Angel_JHope- guys shut up and eat I want dessert 🍨

My back hurts. And I'm tired. Yay.

Also I just finished crying and arguing with my mother because she got pissed the fuck off because she found out I wasn't eating school lunch because it makes me puke and she just yelled at me for 44 minutes because I wasn't eating school lunch and she didn't understand why I was being a stuck up brat and I told her it makes me puke and then I was trying to explain some shit to her and I said fuck under my breathe and she yelled at me because she heard it. I just love my goddamn life it's great mother daughter bonding at its finest.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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