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❤️ liked by Kookster, Taelien, MotionlessMin and 4.7 million others
@UlzzangLivia- it's officially this Idiot's birthday! Kookster (I'm the reason that's his username) you've left your teen years and me 😭 and are now 20! I can't even imagine what my life would have turned out without having you in it for 4 years. We grew up together and have made so many memories, some of which should probably stay in the past. I love you Jungkook and I'm glad I get so spend this important day with you and the rest of the dream team. I hope you have an amazing day I'll see you soon Kookster ❤️ 👤@Kookster
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@Taelien- you kept that picture?
@UlzzangLivia- of course I did I could never throw away something as adorable as that picture
@LiviaLovesss- I cried while reading that
@GoldenKook- I'm glad I'm not the only one
@Kookster- I love you too Livia but why did you use that picture you literally have a thousand others
@UlzzangLivia- because you're cute in this one
@aguSTD_useprotection- you guys actually never sleep why the hell are you guys always awake?
@MotionlessMin- I feel very unloved right now 😩😩
@Kookster- suck it up bitch it's not your birthday
@JungkookOppa- S A V A G E
@RappMonstaa- Jin is crying again
@Namjin4lyfe- Namjoon comfort your wife
@Your_Angel_JHope- I didn't know that you knew Jungkook before you met Jin and I. That means you've known Kookie two years longer than me 😭