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❤️ liked by Taelien, MotionlessMin, RappMonstaa and 12

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❤️ liked by Taelien, MotionlessMin, RappMonstaa and 12.7 million others!

@UlzzangLivia- Taehyung, where do I begin? You're my best friend. I love you with every fiber and being in my body. I can't imagine what would've happened if I never met you. I wouldn't know Kookster, I wouldn't have pursued a modeling career, I never would've met the rest of the DT, Yoongi and I wouldn't be together, and I wouldn't of moved to Seoul. The entire life that I have now was built up by you. I love you TaeTae. We've had so many amazing memories and adventures like 4 AM photo shoot's and abandoned parking lot or in the middle of a dark field, I hope to create many more memories with you as my best friend. I hope you have an amazing 22nd birthday in France. P.S. Good choice I really like this place
👤 @Taelien

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@MotionlessMin- okay now that you're done writing Liv let's go get dessert!!!!

@Taelien- awe. I love you too best friend! You've made a huge impact on my life as well, without you I never would have gained the popularity for photography that I have now. I love you Livia, thank you!

@LiviaLovesss- HAPPY 22nd TAE

@NARI_useprotection- damn that brought tears to my eyes 😭

@UlzzangLivia- Nari shut up 😂

@NARI_useprotection- whAt? I WaS bEinG SeRiOuS


@Taekook- happy birthday 🎁🎈🎊🎂🎉

I woke up at 7am on a Saturday my Brain
is already hot wired for school and I've only gone there three days.

Our teams first volleyball game is Tuesday tho and I'm really pumped! You guys should totally come (no but like what if I played against some of you guys that would be crazy if we lived in the same state).

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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