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" I want more coffee, do you guys want to go get some with Yoongs and I?" Olivia asks Taehyung and Jimin walking into the Kitchen.

"Yeah sure, technically its already Kookie birthday so lets just go ahead and get started with the day." Taehyung said getting up and shrugging on a jacket.

Jimin looked at the clock above the counter, it read 3:38 am.

He shrugged, "I'm down."

They all got into Olivia's black car rolling down the windows and observing the early morning lights of the sleeping city of Seoul.

The car ride was pleasantly quite as Olivia drove the car deeper into the center of the city to their go-to 24 hour coffee shop.

This shop was the reason none of them seemingly ever slept anymore, as they were all working hard on their month and 1/2 break from social media they found and later became obsessed with the place.

As Olivia parked the car they all slowly opened their doors stepping out into the brisk early morning air, the feeling of fall right around the corner.

They walked up to the counter smiling at the usual worker, " What would you all prefer today?"

"Let's go ahead and get the rest of the gang their usuals" Yoongi said glancing at the other three as they nodded.

" Okay an Americano, two black, a three shot espresso, a macchiato, two iced lattes, and a cappuccino. Correct?" The barista rested from memory.

They all nodded and gave him their money as they made their way to the lounge to wait for their coffee.

"Okay once we get all the coffee were going to make our rounds to everyone's apartments and pick everyone up." Taehyung told the others while he settled into the soft cushions of the couch.

They went over the plan for the entire day, all of which was going to a rather laid back day of fun and games saying goodbye to Jungkook's teenage years.

"You're coffee is ready, I hope you guys have fun today! Tell Jungkook I said happy birthday!" the barista said smiling.

The small group of four make their way back into Olivia's car and make their way to Jin and Namjoon's apartment slowly sipping on their coffee.

As they reach the apartment complex of Jin and Namjoon they all make their way into the large elevator and press the designated floor.

Walking into the already unlocked apartment of Jin and Namjoon the group of four are greeted by Jin re-arranging the living room, after hearing them walk in he pauses his work and smiles at them walking over and hugging each before grabbing his Cappuccino.

"Jesus, it's 4 am man what are you doing?" Jimin asks observing the new layout.

"I could ask you guy the same thing but I'm assuming you guys are here because of Kookie's birthday. I needed something to distract myself from the fact that my baby is 20 years old." Jin says sniffling.

Before Jin can start crying again Namjoon walks out of his studio and making a bee line for the coffee.

"Oh thank god I was about to crash without this." Namjoon says kissing his black coffee.

"Okay so Yoongi, Taehyung are going to go pick up Hoseok and Jungkook in my car while you guys and Jimin go pick up Bella and go buy doughnuts then we'll all meet and watch the sunrise at the park." Olivia tells Jin and Namjoon the plan for the rest of the morning while handing Jimin Bella's iced latte.

They part ways and both cars drive off in opposite directions.

Pulling up to the apartment shared between Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook the trio notice that Jungkook and Hoseok were already standing outside the apartment waiting for them.

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