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UlzzangLivia posted a photo!

❤️ liked by Taelien, MotionlessMin, Kookster, and 1

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❤️ liked by Taelien, MotionlessMin, Kookster, and 1.6 million others

@UlzzangLivia- This photo shoot has been the most challenging one yet, but I'm glad I had my incredible best friend by my side ❤️❤️

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@Taelien- I love you Livia ❤️

@LiviaLovesss- baby's back ❤️❤️

@Kookster- Thank god you're done we haven't seen you guys for a month and half

@aguSTD_useprotection- I was lost, none of you guys have posted shit since July

@RappMonstaa- ^ we've all been really busy with all of our work

@MotionlessMin- yeah so we haven't had time to really do anything fun.

@GoldenKook- I thought everyone had a major falling out I was mourning Bangtan 😭

It's now the very end of August because I had nothing else planned for the rest of July and the Beginning of August so I went ahead and skipped about a month ahead.

Were also over halfway finished with this and I'm not emotionally prepared for the ending I have planned.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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