Chapter 1

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**may contain spoilers in future chapters**

"(Y/N), you must understand. You are no longer a child. You are 16 now! You must choose a husband. How many times must I tell you?"

"But father, 16 feels far too young to marry! And, must be be a prince? Why can't-" You looked to Link, your sisters' appointed Knight, kneeling before your father, the King.

"(Y/N), you are an heir to this kingdom. We need strong rulers to lead us. I won't be here forever, and I want to make sure that someone is here to look after you."

"But you just said it yourself, father! I'm not a child anymore!" You began to yell. It was then that the young Knight looked up, a slight twinge of fear on his face, with a small glint of amusement in his eyes. It wasn't often that you spoke up to your father, the King, but when you did, it was the topic of rumours for weeks in the castle.

"Ask Zelda! She's older than me! She's first in line to the throne!"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply,"I have. And this is exactly how she reacted." He then turned on his heel, and slammed the door as he left.

The Knight stood up and walked over to you. Tears began to well up in your eyes, then soon, you were bawling. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you began to wipe your tears away.

"Link," you said to the knight,"why are you not with Zelda?"

You could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He rarely ever spoke. Only to Zelda, which made you slightly jealous. She told you he never spoke around people was because he didn't want to be judged, or pass any judgement, so he remained silent.

"Don't be afraid, Link. You can talk to me."

"She told me to stop following her." He mumbled in a quiet voice. His voice was soft, much more so than you'd expect.

"I shall have a word with her when she returns then, shall I?" You laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood. Link smiled slightly.
You took this moment to take in his handsome features. His blue eyes were a very unique colour, a cerulean blue, easy to get lost in. His golden hair was pulled into a pony tail, his bangs swaying in the wind. He was clad in the Champion's Tunic, given to him by the King. On his back rest the Master Sword, the sword that seals the darkness, only to be wielded by the soul of a true hero.


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