36 : Eunwoo & Jimin

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"Dahyun," I called Dahyun who is busy reading some kind of novel--wait, this is the first time I've seen her read a novel. I never knew that she has an interest into reading. I sighed and pulled a seat beside her. After sitting down, I just stared at her, waiting her to talk to me. She has been this silent since she last visited Jimin. I don't know what happened between them, tho. I wish I knew what it was so I can help the two. Their situation is honestly bothering me.

"Talk to me, Dahyun." I asked her once more, but she just ignored me. I peeked on what she's reading. Once I saw the words, I chuckled. It's an English novel and she's reading it upside down. For sure she doesn't know what she's reading. I chucklingly put down the book and then I heard her sigh. "It's upside down."

"What question of yours do you want me to answer, Eunwoo?" She asked casually. I know that she knows what I want her to say to me.

"Not to be that nosy, but can you atleast tell me what's the problem?" I asked as I scratch my nape and gave her a hesitant smile.

"There's no problem." She said coldly and stood up. She left me on that table to place back the book that she took. Sighing, I stood up up and followed her.

"C'mon, I'm your friend so tell me." I held her arm, but she shook it away. She continued on ignoring me as if I was Jimin who she fought with. Girls are so complicated, spare me. I still followed Dahyun wherever she goes inside the library and it seems like she gave up trying to avoid me.

She faced me and I smiled right away, "Eunwoo, please stop following me." My smile faded immediately upon hearing those words.

"Did Jimin hurt you?" I asked and she looked away. I knew it. "What did he say?" I asked once more and then she lowered her head, still avoiding my gaze.

"I think I'm just being immature." She said and smiled a bit after lifting her head. My heart melted when a tear escaped from her eye, but she immediately wiped it off using her hand. "Jimin knew about what Mr. Choi did to me." My eyebrows crossed. "Mina took a photo of me and Mr. Choi and told him false stories."

"That bitch." I whispered in anger. I thought Mina is an angel, but it turns out that she is worser than Satan. "Did Jimin believe her?" She nodded and my blood boiled. How can he possibly believe Mina? They broke up already! "He said some harsh things on you, am I right?"

She nodded slightly and wiped her falling tears continuously, "Yeah, but that's not why I'm hurt."

"Then why?" I took out my handkerchief, lifted her chin and wiped her tears myself.

"He still doesn't trust me. All this time, it's still Mina who he trusts." She held my wrist and stopped me from wiping her tears. She half-smiled, "Someone might take a picture again." She's right. I awkwardly put down my hand and smiled at her shyly.

"That's why you're not visiting him."

"I wanted to give him space because he might still be angry." I nodded to what she said, but what if Jimin is waiting everyday for her, right? What if Jimin isn't mad?

"Do you want to go to him later?" I was expecting her to nod, but she shook her head sideways. "Why?" I asked.

"My eyes are still puffy, for sure. He'll notice that I cried." I chuckled once I heard her answer. Cute. She giggled cutely, "Let's go."


"Eunwoo," she then called my name and smiled sincerely. "Thank you for staying by my side no matter how immature I am."

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