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Jin hyung's gaze went to my hand that are holding Mina's. I quickly took my hand back. I can see that Joon hyung's face is also a little bit stunned after seeing Mina, but Tae hyung's face remained straight. He looked at me intently and seemed like he's asking for an answer.

"N-No, she didn't visit me." Jin hyung and Mina's gaze went back to me. I saw Tae hyung clenched his jaw and sighed frustratingly as he run his fingers through his hair. He then rubbed his hands against his face and let out a deep breath. "W-Why? Where is she?" I just then realize that Dahyun could have gone missing because it clearly looks like they're searching for her.

"She ran away from home." Jin hyung said. I gasped and involuntarily stood up from my seat. How? Why? I don't see any reason why would she run away from home because as far as I know, her brothers treat her nicely. She almost have everything in life, why would she run away? Did she get tired of living in a wealthy life?

"When? Why? How?" I asked. The three of them remained silent. Though Mina is just quiet, I am sure that she's also concerned of Dahyun. Speaking of Mina, I didn't know that she knows Jin. He's older than her, but she didn't call him "oppa" or anything like that. I'm curious why do they know each other.

I want to help them in finding Dahyun, but I can't. I'm inside the prison and the least that I can do is to support them in finding Dahyun and to pray. The only thing I would be able to do is to wait for good news.

"H-Have you tried calling her?" Mina suggested and faced the three. She specifically glanced at Jin hyung for a while.

"Her phone is turned off." Joon hyung said and fished his phone from his pocket. He dialed her, but just like he said, her phone is turned off.

"How about going to KDHU?" I asked, but they just shook their head sideways. I started to get even more worried. She's not picking up her phone and she's not inside the school grounds. Where could she be? I tried thinking of other things and I thought of Eunwoo immediately. "Have you asked Eunwoo?" I questioned.

Jin hyung let out a deep breath, "He doesn't know where she is either." He answered. We all fell silent, thinking of possibilities; thinking of Dahyun's whereabouts, but I don't know her that much. I don't know what's her favorite place to hang out. I don't know where could she be.

"She...once went out with that guy before, right?" Mina asked. Our eyebrows crossed when we heard her question. I don't know what she's talking about. There's a guy who she went out with besides Eunwoo? I don't remember that she went out with another guy.

"What guy?" My back shivered when I heard Tae hyung's deep voice. He's dead serious about the fact that his sister is missing.

"What was his name again?" Mina whispered and it seems like she's trying her best to remember who was that guy. "Han...yeol? Han...young? Han--"

Joon hyung snapped, "Hansol!"

"Right!" Mina said as she points Joon hyung with her index finger. "She went out with that Hansol before, right?"

"Are you trying to say that Hansol might know where she could be?" Jin hyung asked and Mina nodded. "That's impossible. Hansol is mad at Dahyun."

"How about Yoongi's girlfriend?" Joon hyung suggested. I don't have any idea who are they talking about. I don't know a lot of people surrounding Dahyun because at that time, I'm just focused on Mina and I was hospitalized two times.

I realized that I'm liking Dahyun already, but it seems like I don't know those people she's friends with.

"Chaeyoung?" Jin hyung asked and Joon hyung nodded. They talked about something and their voices are not that loud, so we can't hear it. I can see them nodding to each other, while Tae hyung's eyebrows are crossed.

"Okay, then." Jin hyung smiled at us. "Thank you, Jimin," he glanced at me for a while and returned his gazed to Mina. He smiled at her--it's not a simple smile. I think there's something fishy going on. "Mina." Mina half-smiled. We heard something beep and it turns out that it was just Mina's phone. Someone texted her, so she immediately took her crutches and stood up. I can see how worried Jin hyung is for Mina's condition.

"Thanks." Mina thanked Jin hyung and looked at me. "Thanks, Jimin." I smiled at her sincerely.

"Are you going home?" Jin hyung asked her before she can even leave.

Mina nodded, "Yeah, my dad texted me. We're going to have a family dinner."

Jin hyung's eyes widened a little, "Let us take you home, then." I wanted to laugh at what I'm seeing right now. I know that something is going on between them. It shows on their faces and actions.

"I can manage--"

"I insist." He leaned closer to her and whispered something. Mina bit her lip slightly and sighed. She then nodded and decided to go with him. "Thanks again, Jimin." I just nodded at Jin hyung. They turned their backs on me and fled.



"Thanks, Hansol." I told him. He smiled at me, offered me a blanket and sat infront of me. I never knew that he would take me because he was mad at me when we both last talked.

"Anything for you." He then winked, which made me giggle. I'm glad that he's trying his best to cheer me up after all of these problems that I'm facing. "Did you sleep well last night?" He asked as he puts jam on his slice of bread.

"I had trouble trying to sleep last night." I answered as I stir the tea that he gave me. "Thank you for taking me."

"It's okay." He nodded as smiled sweetly. "I'm not mad at you anymore." He leaned back on his seat and ate his sandwich. "But I do admit that...I still have feelings towards you." I remained silent as he says his thoughts. "Don't worry. It'll pass soon eventually." He chuckled. I sneezed all of a sudden, so he stood up right away and when he got back, he handed me a box of tissue.

"Thanks." I answered and sneezed once more.

"Aigoo, that's what I was saying to you last night. You surely will get sick because you got wet." He said and put the back of his palm on my forehead, probably checking if I have a fever or what. "You've got slight fever."

"I'm sorry if I caused you some trouble." I apologized while I keep my head low. Stupid colds. I actually don't want to bother him that much, but this colds and fever will take his time. I'm embarrassed by the trouble I caused him.

"It's okay. Don't be sorry." He said in a cheerful tone. "Do you want to go to sleep?" I was about to answer when we heard someone press the doorbell. "Wait here." I nodded and he left me. After a while, he came back. "It's your brothers."

"H-Huh?" My heartbeat raced. I don't want them to know where I am and I already promised myself to stay away from them, so that grandpa won't be mad. "T-Tell them I'm not here."

"Dahyun, you know you can't hide forever." He said, sighing. I held his hand and begged him to help me hide for a while. I really don't want to be seen by my brothers. "Alright, I have a secret hideout here." I followed him to his secret hideout. I got confused when I saw him remove the carpet under the table. There's a secret door and when he opened it, he told me to get inside.

I had no choice but to follow what he commanded if I don't want to be found. He closed the door and I was left inside. It's not a really big room. There are a few boxes and stuff. There's also this LED lightbulb that helps me to see things clearer.

I don't know what's going on between Hansol and my brothers now. I'm sure that they will find me throughout the whole place--especially Tae oppa.


Lame ☹ Double update, tho ❤

Follow my twt acct: @dubugh

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