Chapter Three

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Chapter Three // Min Yoongi x Reader //


"Yoongi, What is this?" Mom asked me while handing me my Papers and tickets for the flight to Canada, but she discovered it before I went to Canada, and my Dreams will not be complete. "Mom, That's a play money." I spoke sarcastically and looked back at my Wallet.

Mom grabbed my Wallet and threw it across the room. I stared at her with a poker face while she handed me my ticket and ripped it infront of me while I still snobbed her look.

"You're Min Yoongi, the next CEO of our company. And you don't need to go to ANOTHER COUNTRY."

I rolled my eyes and Grabbed my laptop. "Fuck. Mom, stop discussing this nonsense." I whine and turned my laptop on. My Dad is upstairs and working while me and mom is here, fighting. "Yoongi! You don't know anything so Better shut ur Mouth." She yelled.

I clapped my hands. "Your right I don't but I know, the truth behind these." Mom started sweating and biting her lip waiting for what I'm going to say, and I laughed softly. It's easy to know that.

"I'm not your real son."

Mom was about to panicked but remain silent and avoid for dad to hear our convo. "Yoongi, That isn't true." She even protected herself, but she'll not going to escape any longer.

"It's true. Stop pretending Mom, I knew it. You just Adopted me. So that you'll never be the only left ones without a kid among your friends -- (SLAP)."

I touched my cheeks as she began to look piss and tears were falling, her anger were striking to my heart and I can feel how nervous she is right now. At last, I've told her everything I knew. All of those. And I felt hurt.

"YOU'RE STILL MY SON STOP SAYING THAT LIKE YOU REALLY KNOW EVERYTHING!!" Mom shouted causing me to nervously hold my cheeks without hesitation I grabbed my wallet from the floor.

"Are you continuing? Are you buying new pairs?" She asked.

I didn't reply, instead, I walked out of the room leaving her, shocked and speechless.

Once I've got out of that cold place, I decided to stroll around the mall to breathe fresh air.

A Girl was in the bench, holding and gripping at her Handkerchief breathly and she sounded tired, tired on running because their are also bruises in her body. That makes me Approaches her.

"Hey, Miss. You ok?" I asked her, but she just placed a look on my face and didn't respond. I can say, she's pretty and cute. She seems polite, but I guess being attracted now, isn't for this stiuation.

"Who are you? Are you also going to hug my Best friend, and ask permission this time? If so, I'm allowing you." She responded making an action by her hand. This woman, is Crazy, I can tell, and I think she's also heartbroken.

"No, and I don't even know you." I spoke and she seemed surprised and embarassed so she stared at the ground biting her under lip.

"Sorry." She said politely.

Although, I get her situation is hopeless by the time I talk to her, I guess she also needs someone to led her problems to. "(Name)?" I heard a voice, closely from our position.

The Girl was surprised and accidentally dropped her handkerchief so I started to be curious about the way she acts. As the voice was near, she ran away from my sight. "Hey!" I yelled rushing behind her.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to see him." She exclaimed still running but I stopped chasing her, when I heard the voice gets closer from my back.



My eyes wided when I looked at The Guy infront of me, giving me a strange look. I knew him. Exel is suppose to be my Best friend since then, but now I guess we've changed to much.

"Yoongi, What are you doing here?" He asked still looking at me directly. He smiled softly and felt Joy all over his presence. I ignored his excitement.

"Because I live here." I replied Sarcastically.

"No, Yoongi. Seriously." His smile becames wider waiting for my reply. But no, I didn't replied. "I'm here, because of Business, anymore personal questions?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Are you Chasing (Name)?" Is that the Girl's name?

"No." I simply, spoke.

His eyes was twicting, but I didn't get the back of it, so he gave up and realized it was true. "You were the one chasing her, right?" Wondering, I stepped forward.

"Below the Rock, yes." He said.

"Funny, You never chase Girls." I said grinning, his Face turned red so I continued teasing him, made him glare at the thought.

"I didn't, but now I do, Okay?"

"You've changed a lot, Exel. I can't believe I'm seeing you right now." I said looking at him, from head to toe, and he maked a funny pose.

"You too, Yoongi. Can't believe it too."

I smirked and put up my middle finger infront of him, so he grinned and did the same. And after we shook hands and does pose by our Face and the end, was mesmerizing.

"Handshake. Never change too." He spoke.

"Yeah." Now that hit me.

"Is that (Name) is your friend?" I suddenly thought of that, because It's a thing I've been curious about.

"Ye." I nodded as an agreement.

"Why? Love at first sight?"

I shooked my head and didn't say a word. There is something about that Girl, that is ODD And I wish to identify it near so soon.

So I bid my Goodbye, and rushes away from my position, and tried to find that Girl, by her scent.


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * > TBC

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