Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten.


They were tons of fangirls screaming at their seats, I can't barely here Apple's statement about something, she hasn't told ne yet. And the SMH team are getting off their balance, They've been losing since Game 1.

"Apple, Have you knew who their captain ball was?" I asked her.

Apple nodded. "Yes, Infact, I guess, You knew him too." She paused and grabbed her drinks. "Who?"

"It's Min Yoongi."

That Ba-stard? Why, No suprise their. He's a bastard with no motive in things. Well I guess he's regretting being late, when he came here, to know the news, They've lost.

"Too bad, He never learn." I said drinking the drinks Apple Gave me.


Exel seems to spot us so he started waving at our direction. The Girls beside us rolled their eyes at us. Jealous much?

"If SMH loses, the price will be in our principal's hand right? And no other, that Yoongi will be blamed." She stated. I looked back at the players at the rival's school. They seem to be good, but the problem is, They're panicking.

They're giving all the trust to their Captain ball. "I Guess, I have to give a visit to Sir Rick." Sir Rick, is the SMH coach. He've been coach since he applied being the Janitor.

His place got him in being the Coach, because the old Coach resigned after the Players kick him. I wonder why?

"What? Don't you know him that well? He's scary as hell." She even mimicked the voice of the scared voices in films.

"No, he isn't. Kay'? By the way, I have to do this or else they'll lost."

She couldn't help but to nod her head at me. "What if he doesn't want your idea?

"He'll like mine. I'm sure."

I didn't mind the next scene, cuz' I've found myself, walking towards their coach, my goodness. >-< I'm so shy when it come to this, I wish this end as wish it would be.

"Goodness, We'll lose." I heard the coach sigh. I think of calling his name, out of nowhere, but --

"Y/N?" The coach looked at me suprisingly. -_- once our eyes met, the warm smile came across my innocent face. The coach waved his hand at me, so I calmly sat at their seats.

"Coach, uh.. can I talk with you for a minute?" I asked. "Yes, You may, wait, like here?" His eyes moves side to side as I stared confusely at him, then near the door, I spotted his wife, who is the queen of jealousy!

If he sees some girl talking even if it is as young as I'am, she won't let. "I'm sorry, but my wife --"

"No, Coach, she is a friend, I-I can handle it after." He gulped as sweats started covering his forehead, isn't he suppose to die sooner? Is he even scary? No Sir Rick isn't. He is a very calm person (sometimes).

"Why is it so?"

"Since I've heard your captain ball, Min Yoongi is out, I was wondering.."

The only thing I knew is the bell already rings, our coach clapped his hands and signalled them a thumbs up, the shouting went clear, and yet, I'm so suprised..

Yes, We won.

Sir Rick sighed and stood up with a towel at his shoulders, now, I regret this. The SMH players, became telling each other to calm down.

"Thanks, (Y/N)."


Apple's POV

We won, as we used to. The other team started panicking and sweating, I also saw them talking to their coach about Yoongi. (Name) began to look so dissappointed, who wouldn't?

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